Vygotsky suggests that successful learning, both for adults and children, is rooted in social participation and that learning takes place not in isolation, but with the assistance of others. The theory of andragogy also suggests that adults are task-centred and problem-centred in their approach to learning. In professional learning sessions, they bring a wealth of experience and practical knowledge that can serve as a valuable resource through the sharing of personal beliefs, practical challenges and success from their own classrooms. By expanding teacher conversations across schools, teachers can collaborate and learn from one another to enhance their professional growth and improve their practice. 

ABOUT PEDTalk Launched in 2021, PEDTalk is a series of learning conversations that harness the power of practitioner knowledge and experience to generate new insights and understandings into classroom practices. Each year, a pedagogical strand is identified and two PEDTalk sessions are organised based on the strand - one session features a sharing by an expert, and another session features sharings by practitioners. At the end of the two sessions, participants may choose to apply what they have learnt by participating in a small group Practice Circle where learning takes the form of application, collaboration and sharing of practical solutions. In this way, learning is sustained and enriched through the contextual and authentic nature of what is being applied in the classrooms. 

      Structure of LEARNING IN PEDTalks

Two PEDTalk sessions are organised each year, focusing on a pedagogical strand that has been identified for that year. Session 1 features a sharing by an expert, while Session 2 is a sharing by practitioners. You may choose to attend one, or both sessions. At the end of the two sessions, you can consider participating in a Practice Circle where you will have the opportunity to apply and try out the knowledge acquired. 

About Practice Circle

Practice Circle aims to sustain teachers’ learning beyond the two PEDTalk sessions. In a Practice Circle, teachers with a shared interest jointly identify a specific area of practice based on the knowledge acquired from the PEDTalk sessions. They will apply what they have learnt into their own classrooms and share practical solutions to improve practice. The duration of each Practice Circle is flexible and may range between 3 and 12 months. An expert resource person on the area of practice may be identified to help guide participants. The learning activities may includes review of relevant research or literature, sense making sessions, design and planning, peer reviews, implementation of solutions in the classrooms, reflection on what works and what does not. 

At the end of the Practice Circle, the RGS Centre for Pedagogical Research and Learning may help to document any seeds of innovation or new practices that are generated as these represent valuable knowledge that is authentic and relevant to local context. Should an opportunity arise, the Centre may also facilitate an inter-school collaboration in practitioner inquiry.