Lindsay Staloff - Divine’s Megaland Journey - Virtual Book Tour

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Children’s Book

Date Published: August 2, 2023

"Divine's Megaland Journey" is a fun and magical adventure that will capture the hearts and imaginations of young readers. With its interactive format, this engaging rhyming story invites children to be active participants in the journey through the Megaland and its exciting themed festivals, unique animal discoveries, and a magical and generous royal castle designed to create an adventure fun land for everyone.

Throughout the story, the author's powerful reinforcement of positive and playful words emphasizes their importance and shows how they can shape our lives in a meaningful way. The book's self-awareness bonding rhyming words are precious, and the adorable characters, including the hilarious Mojo the monkey, are relatable and will make you laugh out loud.

"Divine's Megaland Journey" is not only exciting, funny, and witty with jokes, but it also has detailed illustrations that create the perfect scene and bring the rhyming story - words to life. Turning the pages of this book, young readers will encounter powerful affirmations that remind them of how special and important they are.

This book is not only a fun read but promotes an important concept mindset thinking that supports young minds in building confidence, self-awareness, and cultivating inner peace. "Divine's Megaland Journey" is a must-read for parents and children looking for a playful and engaging story that reinforces positive values and builds a healthy mindset for life.

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Virtual Book Tour - January 29 - February 12th

January 29 - RABT Book Tours - Kick Off

January 29 - Liliyana Shadowlyn - Spotlight

January 30 - Reading Authors network - Guest Post

January 31 - Matters That Count - Spotlight

February 1 - Novel News Network - Review

February 2 - Our Town Book Reviews - Excerpt

February 3 - Nana's Book Reviews - Spotlight

February 4 - Book Junkiez - Excerpt

February 5 - Texas Book Nook - Review

February 6 - The Avid Reader - Interview 

February 7 - Tea Time and books - Spotlight

February 8 - On a Reading Bender - Review

February 9 - Iron Canuck Reviews -Spotlight

February 10 - The Indie Express - Review

February 11 - Momma Says to Read or not to Read - Spotlight

February 12 - Characters Madness and Musings - Spotlight

February 12 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up

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Lindsay Staloff is a multifaceted individual with a passion for making a positive impact in various fields. She is the CEO and co-founder of HERO Locations Co., a prominent location scouting and media production company based in Calabasas, CA. Additionally, Lindsay serves as the President of the non-profit organization PPCM Fund, Inc., which she founded to create awareness about Peripartum Cardiomyopathy (PPCM) and support women and families affected by this pregnancy-induced cardiac disease.

Lindsay's journey began when she pursued her education, earning an M.S.W. from the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice and an undergraduate degree from Lynn University in South Florida. In 2002, Lindsay relocated to California to establish her career in the entertainment industry, quickly becoming known as one of Hollywood's most sought-after location scouts.

In 2016, Lindsay experienced a life-altering event when she gave birth to her son Liam at Cedar Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills. Despite numerous visits to her OBGYN, Lindsay's pregnancy seemed normal until she faced complications from PPCM, resulting in multiple cardiac arrests, a hypothermia coma, and ongoing challenges.

Driven by her personal experience and a desire to help others, Lindsay has emerged as a leading advocate for women and families affected by PPCM. Through PPCM Fund, Inc., she works tirelessly to spread education and awareness of this dangerous disease among the medical community and expectant parents. Lindsay has also expanded her impact as a best-selling author with over 15 books available on Amazon, host of a podcast and TV show where she interviews PPCM survivors, and as Mrs. California Geosphere 2023.

With Lindsay Staloff on a mission to save lives and create change, her determination and advocacy embody the essence of a true leader.

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