HTTP Requests


This service is used to make HTTP Requests to third-party API's and to consume the Response into a BOS Database. Request Headers and Bodies can be fixed or generated from the database using SQL procedures. 



The Request procedure executes the call and updates the Response to a variable where it can be accessed by the Response procedure.

The Request Header/Body SQL fields take precedence over the fixed Request Header/Body fields. 

When the Request Body SQL is used, the Request is executed for each record that is returned.

Click the Template button to generate example code for the selected Tab.


The response Body must be a JSON object. The parameters in the Response SQL must match the Key values in the JSON object. 

When assigning JSON Keys to parameters in your SQL, you need to encapsulate them in double-quotes - eg. and :"Message.Severity" = 0

If a JSON object is returned, the square brackets [ ] are added to convert it into a JSON Array. The Response SQL is executed once for each JSON object in the Array. 

Functionality is provided to enter a JSON keyname and to get the value from the JSON Object. Make sure there is only one object in the Response for testing. This is useful for confirming a response before assigning it to your SQL.
