Documentation Overview

Getting Started

BOS Server can be downloaded from the Shared Drives\Downloads\Common folder or from the Downloads utility in Tools.exe.

The compressed file extracts to a BOSServer folder which should be placed in the C:\ drive. The folder contains:

  • BOS Server.exe

  • libeay32.dll & ssleay32.dll - Used to negotiate SSL when sending emails

  • BSDB.INI - Contains the database connection detail - see below.

  • Data folder - Contains the BOS Server database which needs to be regularly backed up.

  • Logs folder - Will be created the first time you run BOSServer.exe. The Log records all the activities on the BOS Server app and it can be saved at any time using the Save button in the caption bar - all the logs are saved to a BOS_Server_Logs folder in the same folder as the BOS Server exe. When the BOS Server App closes, the log is automatically saved.


When Actions are scheduled, BOSServer needs to remain open and the Scheduler needs to be on.

BSDB.ini (Sample)


SERVER = localhost


PORT = 3050