Stationery List

Stationery List

Please mark name clearly on all **items

- 1 box of tissues

-2 rolls of paper towels

-1 container of disinfectant wipes per child

-large package of napkins - we use these for snacks and lunch for their placemat

-1 four-pack play dough

-1 pack of Baby Wipes

-small bathroom size paper cups for drinks of water NOTE - not needed this year

-each child needs a backpack that is large enough to fit easily a folder (provided by the teacher) and a lunch box. Children can not bring home their belongings - example coats when it is cold in the morning and not the afternoon - in a small backpack

-each child needs a paint smock (old tee shirt works very well) for art in a plastic zip bag with their name on it

-Rest Mat - Please no sleeping bags, no yoga mats, no plastic mats. The preferred mat is for sale at school $22.00