Phoenix Youth Symphony Orchestras

in partnership with The School of Ballet Arizona presents:

Music Memory

The Music Memory Virtual Adventure

Brought to you by the Phoenix Youth Symphony Orchestras.

Choose a lesson below or click here to start.

What is an orchestra?

What is a ballet?

What will we be listening to?

What will we see?

How do the orchestra and ballet prepare for the event?

How does Swan Lake inspire me?

About Music Memory

Music Memory has been a program designed to inspire young children to explore the world of the Symphony. Students in all grades can learn from our program, but it's targeted towards students in grades K-8.

Teacher Information


Please Register: Thank you for participating in our Music Memory program this year. If you haven't registered for this course yet, please visit our PYSO Music Memory Section to complete a registration form. There is no charge for access to this course, but we are collecting data on the reach of this program. Once you have registered, feel free to share this course with your students and/or use this course in your teaching activities.

Integrated Standards: Each main section of the course includes a "Teacher Information" section at the bottom with a guide to the related Arizona State Music Standards and Arizona State ELA Standards for that section. The Music Standards listed are based on the 4th Grade standards.

Feedback Survey: At the end of the course, please complete the brief survey to let us know what you liked about the course and what we can improve on next year.

Learning Objectives and Standards (Entire Course)

Arizona Music Standards (4th Grade)

MU.PR.6.4b. Demonstrate performance and audience decorum appropriate for the occasion.

MU.RE.7.4b. Demonstrate and explain how musical concepts and contexts affect responses to music.

MU.RE.8.4a. Demonstrate and describe expressive attributes and how they support creators’/ performers’ expressive intent.

MU.RE.9.4a. Apply teacher-provided and collaboratively-developed criteria to evaluate musical works and performances.

MU.CN.10.4b. Describe the roles and impact various musics plays in one's life and the lives of others.

MU.CN.11.4a. Explore and describe relationships between musics and other content areas (e.g. dance, visual art, dramatic arts, literature, science, math, social studies, and language arts).

MU.CN.11.4b. Describe how context (e.g. social, cultural, and historical) can inform a performance.

Arizona ELA Standards

SL.2 Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.

R.7 Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.

L.3 Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.