2 - The Ballet

Adventure 6 - What are the elements of dance?
Your Mission: Find out what the elements of dance are and what they mean.
Instructions: Finish the quests below to make progress on your mission. Answer the Final Challenge questions to complete your mission!
Quest 1 - Elements of Dance
There are 5 basic elements of dance!
Because dance is so physical, dancers must keep their bodies in tip-top shape by getting enough sleep/rest, eating the right things, and training appropriately to stay in the best condition for their art.
An action is a movement of the body while dancing. This could mean anything from leaping, walking, and pausing to turning, gesturing, and facial expressions.
Dancers can move and occupy space differently based on the particular style, story, character, costuming, and expression of the dance. Some movements can be big and dynamic, taking up a large amount of space or traveling across the floor. Other movements can be small and contained, barely even noticeable.
Every action a dancer makes has a beginning and an end - as does the whole dance itself! Time plays an important part in helping a dancer know when to do certain actions, how long they should take, and how to mark and remember the choreography in their mind.
Energy helps dancers find the correct intensity and expression of each action in a dance. They might move forcefully, gracefully, heavily, or fluidly.
Listen & Watch
Listen and watch to learn more about the elements of dance! Think about the questions below after you finish the video.
What questions do you have about the elements of dance?
Do you think dancing is simple or complicated?
How would you put together these elements to create your own dance?
Quest 2 - Try it yourself!
Watch & Try!
Watch this video and try the moves along with the dancer! Think about the questions below after you finish the video.
How did your body feel doing these moves?
Was this experience easy or difficult?
Was this experience fun?
What questions do you have after trying these moves?
Watch & Try!
Watch this video and try the moves along with the dancer! Think about the questions below after you finish the video.
How did your body feel doing these moves?
Was this experience easy or difficult?
Was this experience fun?
What questions do you have after trying these moves?
Quest 3 - Body Shapes
Listen & Watch
Listen and watch to learn about some of the different body shapes in dance! Think about the questions below after you finish the video.
Have you heard of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre Company before?
What other body shapes can you think of?
What is your favorite body shape?
Can you combine all the body shapes together in one move?
Instructions: Read the questions below and try to answer them with information you discovered on your Quests. Click on the arrow to reveal the correct answer!
What are the 5 elements of dance?
Body, Action, Space, Time, & Energy!
What are the 5 different kinds of body shapes?
Wide, Narrow, Angular, Round, & Twisted!
Which element of dance best describes a jump or a turn?
Which element of dance best describes these words: bubbly, sleepy, frustrated?