Meet the Sound and Lights Crew

Matija Milosavljevic

Matija is another veteran of PVTC and a member of the officer board for Drama Club. Matija does a stellar job whether it be as an actor or a technician. As energetic as he can get on stage, Matija is a serious and hard worker when it comes to being a technician.

Cooper Johnson

What was it like working on the show during the pandemic?

"It was interesting as I found it difficult to do the work."

What specific role or roles do you have for the show and what do you do?

"I made sound effects and found them to"

On a scale of 1-10 how stressful has this whole process been for you?


What was the most difficult part about having the show during COVID?

"Making sure everyone was there on time"

What was your favorite or best memory from the show so far?

"The loud crashing sound effect that plays"

How did you think the show was going to turn out before you started working on it?

"I had no clue to be honest"

Hannah Ross

Hannah Ross has worked with this company for many years and worked especially hard on this show. She hopes you enjoy from the comfort of your own home and would like to thank the crew head for helping to make this experience an amazing one!

Rahwa Tadesse

Rahwa has worked hard on the competition piece Do Not Go Gentle and she hopes you all enjoy the show!

Wyatt Skarlupka

What was it like working on the show during the Pandemic?

"It wasn't that big of a deal."

What specific role or roles do you have for the show and what do you do?

"I am light head, program lights and stuff."

On a scale of 1-10 how stressful has this whole process been for you?


What was the most difficult part about having the show during COVID?


What was your favorite or best memory from the show so far?

"Not having to move all the lights"

Do you have any quotes or funny moments you would like to share?


How did you think the show was going to turn out before you started working on it?

"Not great"

Ares Decker

What was it like working on the show during the Pandemic?

"Pretty bad in honesty, we were unable to do most of the work we needed to. This continued until we were able to go back in person, which then it was pretty much the same as usual."

What specific role or roles do you have for the show and what do you do?

"I am on the Light crew and will be helping to run the lights during the show."

On a scale of 1-10 how stressful has this whole process been for you?


What was the most difficult part about having the show during COVID?

"The classes being online, along with everything. As well as not being able to complete 90% of the work."

What was your favorite or best memory from the show so far?

"Changing the universe on lights."

How did you think the show was going to turn out before you started working on it?

"Very poorly, in fact EXTREMELY poorly. however it has improved MASSIVELY."

Nathan Sullivan

As an experienced actor and tech Nathan Sullivan has worked with this company for two years and worked especially hard on this show. He hopes you enjoy from the comfort of your own home and would like to thank the crew head for helping to make this experience an amazing one.