Do Not Go



Lillian Boedecker Barron is 84 years old, vibrant, funny, wise, and recently deceased!

During her lifetime, Lillian shared a special, long-distance bond with her granddaughter, Kelly, and suffered an estrangement from her son Windsor, a Colonel in the Air Force, as he moved his family from base to base all over the world. After her death, Lillian discovers that she cannot "move on" until the rifts are somehow mended. Windsor and Kelly come from overseas to settle Lillian's affairs and are aghast to discover that the walls of her house have been painted with wild, sometimes humorous, sometimes horrific murals and drawings. As they unravel secrets of the paintings, the two make astonishing discoveries about themselves and a special relationship between Lillian and a neighborhood child. This powerful, poignant play explores the wonder of words and the transformative power of art as it offers humor and hope to anyone who is, or has ever been, a grandparent, parent, or a child.

Paradise Valley Theater Company is a theater company located at Paradise Valley High School. PVTC director, Carina Stiles, has once again managed to out do herself with the help of some amazing actors and technicians. This show is a competition piece stage-managed by Alex Kurz and student directed by Bella Santoni. These amazing technicians took this show and added there own message to it, making it a unique and memorable experience. On behalf of those in this company we hope you enjoy from the comfort of your home!

Alex Kurz- Stage Manager

On behalf of PVTC, we thank you for taking active interest in supporting our company. Whether that be viewing our shows or giving donations, we greatly appreciate it! I now speak to all actors and technicians-- I applaud you and your efforts for continuing to perform and rehearse while facing COVID-19. Thank you for sticking to it! Do not give up, and do not go gentle.

Alex Kurz

Bella Santoni- Student Director

Being the director of a show is no joke at all. Bella has proven that she is more than capable of turning a well written show with hidden emotions into an even more complex and spectacular show. Her production and interpretation is nothing short of fantastic and her managment and organization skills have proven to be top tier. We cannot wait and see what she will grow to accomplish in the future.

Enjoy a Gallery walk of our people hard at work...

Target Audience

Young Audiences | Middle School | High School | College and Adult | Family (all ages) | Senior Adults

Most importantly YOU.

Performing Group

Paradise Valley Theatre Company

