
Here are some helpful resources to help your child and yourself throughout the school year:

Classroom Supply List (click here)

Mrs. Voeller's Resources 


Here at Sky Crossing, we do not have sweets in the classroom for birthdays. Once a month we will schedule a special time for birthday breakfast or celebration together! To avoid hurt feelings, invitations for parties must be sent out privately unless they are addressed to the entire class. If you would like to reach out to parents privately, please let me know.  We celebrate summer birthdays the end of May. 

Communith Leader

This is an excellent opportunity for the children to learn more about one another. It will also allow each student to build self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment. 


Please send one healthy snack (fruit, veggies, pretzels, crackers) with your child each day so he/she can “refuel” in the afternoon. Please do not send in candy, nuts, chips, or juice.  

Water bottles:

 If your child would like to bring a water bottle to the classroom, please make sure it has a no-spill top and label with name.

Wish List:

Black Expo Markers

Books for our Library

Target Gift Cards

Colored Xerox paper or Cardstock

Clorox Wipes