Worry & Anxiety

Worry Says What? by Allison Edwards

Story read by Mrs. Pal!

The Good Egg by Jory John & Pete Oswald

Story read by Mrs. Pal!

Worry Warriors Online Curriculum

Worry Warriors Video Session 1

Worry Warriors Video Session 3

Worry Warriors Session 5

Worry Warriors Session 7

Worry Warriors Video Session 2

Worry Warriors Video Session 4

Worry Warriors Session 6

More Resources for Worry & Anxiety

Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes

Listen to this reading of Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes. Here are some questions to consider:

  • What are some of the things that Wemberly worries about in the story?

  • What are some things you worry about?

  • How does your body feel when you are worried?

  • What was Wemberly's biggest worry, and how did it change?

  • What are 3 things you can do to help you with your worries?

Body Check.mp4
Hot Air Balloon Ride.mp4
Buddy Breathing.mp4
Worry-Scale-Worksheet (1).pdf