July 31, 2023

University Spotlight

Final Week to Submit a Proposal for Purdue Global Village

This is the final week to submit a proposal for the 2023 Purdue Global Village professional development conference. This year’s conference theme is Academic Excellence: Empowering Educators, Inspiring Students

See our website for more details and to submit a proposal. All proposals must be submitted by August 4, 2023, at 11:59 pm ET. Please email pgvillage@purdueglobal.edu with questions. 

PG News and Updates

Purdue Global Expands Opportunities Through Community College of the Air Force Program

Purdue Global has updated its offerings within the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) Air University Associate-to-Baccalaureate Cooperative (AU-ABC) program.

Leveraging the expertise of faculty members and industry professionals, the Purdue Global programs align with the latest industry standards and best practices.

“Through our steadfast commitment to military student success, Purdue Global ensures that CCAF students receive top-tier instruction and mentorship from our faculty members, who are equipped to guide them through their academic journey while being attentive to the challenges faced by military personnel,” said Barbara Kent, Purdue Global’s director of military student experience.

Recognizing the value of prior military education and experience, Purdue Global has streamlined the credit transfer process for CCAF students. Read more about the CCAF program and its offerings.

New Aviation Management Degree Program Can Take Students to New Heights

While the U.S. aviation industry expects a need for around 130,000 pilots over the next 20 years, it is also expecting an increased need over the next decade for those who work in managerial roles within airlines, airports, departments of transportation and other related areas.

To prepare for those needs, Purdue Global has launched a new Bachelor of Science in aviation management degree program. The program is 180 quarter credit hours (equal to 120 semester hours) and is a collaboration between Purdue Global’s School of Aviation and the School of Business and Information Technology. Students will learn from faculty who are experts in a wide range of fields within aviation, business, and management. Learn more about this new degree program.

Dennis Strouble

Dr. Dennis Strouble to Serve as Interim Associate Dean of IT

Join the Purdue Global community in congratulating Dr. Dennis Strouble for being named Interim Associate Dean in the School of Business and Information Technology. Dr. Strouble takes over for Dr. Tina Burton who is transitioning into a new role within Purdue Global. Dr. Strouble is a current faculty member in SBIT and has previously served as an academic chair. His primary teaching areas include Management Information Systems, Cybersecurity, and Management. Please consider reaching out to Dennis to welcome him into this new role. 

Next Purdue Board of Trustees Meeting is August 3 - 4

The next Purdue Board of Trustees meeting will take place from Thursday, August 3 - Friday, August 4. The purpose of these meetings is to allow the Board and its committees to deliberate and take action on university business and to receive reports from university leaders who have been scheduled on the agenda. If you wish to attend the meeting virtually, please visit the Board of Trustees page on the Purdue website to access the livestream. 

Across the University

A Fireside Chat with Dr. Frank Dooley

Join Chancellor Dooley on Tuesday, August 15 at 1 pm ET as he shares his insights into revolutionizing online learning with Mentor Collective's Co-Founder and CEO Jackson Boyar. Learn more about the event and how to register to attend the session and access the recording.

Jon Harbor

Sign Up for Next Global Chat - Wednesday, August 16 at 8:00 pm

In these informal meetings, faculty and staff engage with Chancellor Frank Dooley and Provost Jon Harbor in Google Meet. The Wednesday, August 16, 8:00 pm ET Global Chat will be with Dr. Harbor. Register here by Tuesday, August 15 at 12 noon ET.

Global Chats were created in response to feedback from a Purdue Global Town Hall. They were primarily designed to allow employees to get to know Dr. Dooley and Dr. Harbor, as well as each other, and they have welcomed more than 200 employees since October 2020.  

These meetings are casual, interactive, and open to all Purdue Global employees. Topics vary; participants typically learn about new initiatives, exchange ideas, and make connections with colleagues across the university. Participants may also have the opportunity to ask questions of the Chancellor and Provost. Bring your questions and ideas! Casual business attire and webcam capability are strongly encouraged. Email comm@purdueglobal.edu with any questions. 

Student Advisory Board Seeking New Members

Students are needed for these vacant positions:

Eligibility requirements:

Preferred qualifications:

Faculty & staff are encouraged to nominate student leaders via this Google form for these important positions. Students are also welcome to self-nominate. 

Upcoming Events

Check out more information about upcoming events on the Purdue Global Calendar

Monday, July 31

11:00 am ET


Join this Purdue Global-wide meditation session to help foster self-care to better serve your family, students, and colleagues. Meditation sessions are open to all at Purdue Global; experience is not required. Students may access the link to enter via announcements in PG411 Help! Student Success Connection.

Tuesday, August 1

7:00 pm ET

New Brightspace Instructor Permissions Training*

Wednesday, August 2

2:00 pm ET

Zoom Seminar Basics

Join this informative session about the basics of using Zoom for course seminars at Purdue Global.

Friday, August 4

12:00 pm ET

New Brightspace Instructor Permissions Training*

* These training sessions will provide an overview of the new instructor permissions in Brightspace that will launch on August 23, 2023. The new permissions provide faculty the ability to create and edit content modules/items and discussion forums/topics. The permissions are a part of the Classroom of the Future Purdue Global Move. The change will empower faculty with new ways to support student success in their Brightspace classrooms. Students will benefit from the added perspective of faculty expertise shared within unique content items and discussion topics in their classes. 

Purdue Global Calendars