Te Whaariki - Visual Curriculum

Each strand is split into their own slides to make it easier when looking through the specific strands. Click on each set of slides to make them bigger and easier to see.

Well Being - Keeping themselves healthy and caring for themselves
Well Being - Managing themselves and expressing their feelings and needs
Well Being - Keeping themselves and others safe from harm
Belonging - Making Connections between people, places and things in their world
Belonging - Taking part in caring for this place
Belonging - Understanding how things work here and adapting to change
Belonging - Showing respect for kaupapa, rules and the rights of others
Contribution - Treating others fairly and including them in play
Contribution - Recognising and appreciating their own ability to learn
Contribution - Using a range of strategies and skills to play and learn with others
Communication - Using gesture and movement to express themselves
Communication - Enjoying hearing stories and retelling and creating them
Communication - Understanding oral language and using it for a range of purposes
Communication - Recognising print symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and purpose
Communication - Recognising mathematical symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and purpose
Communication - Expressing their feelings and ideas using a range of materials and modes
Exploration - Playing, imagining, inventing and experimenting
Exploration - Moving confidently and challenging themselves physically
Exploration - Using a range of strategies for reasoning and problem solving
Exploration - Making sense of their worlds by generating and refining working theories
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