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Signing UP

If any of the tutoring positions below sound interesting to you, fill out the form below! You can apply for any or all of positions described above.

Tutor Responsibilities

  • ALL tutors will take part in an online training course via Canvas Modules before being allowed to start duties at the PLC.

  • There are two ways you can help tutor this year, either as part of a Lobby team, through individual appointments, or both.

Lobby Tutoring

In the Lobby format, tutors will work in groups of 3 and cover a 1 hour shift at least once a cycle. During your shift, you and your shift members will meet in a Webex teams room. This room is a sort of "tutoring hotline," and any academy student can enter the call at any time. Lobby tutors will assist visitors in an informal, walk-in setting.

Here, you may not need specific knowledge about a particular course– tutors will be answering quick, more general questions about a subject.

Within the Lobby, there are two roles:

Regular Tutors

Regular tutors form the main staff for each Lobby. They should be knowledgable in one or more subject areas, and be ready to answer questions about them. Don't worry if your only specialty is English; we will assign teams so that all subjects are covered by at least one tutor. In any given shift, there will be 2-3 regular tutors.

Expectations for Regular tutors:

  • Respond to visitors’ needs as best you can

  • Understand your role as a guide, rather than a teacher or answer-giver

  • Be friendly, helpful, encouraging, and dependable

  • Enter data for each visitor you work with at (PLC Academy Visitor Form)

  • Please communicate with us: read our emails and respond, if asked

Lobby Lead Tutors

Lead Tutors are responsible for all other tutors on their shift, as well as sharing the teaching responsibilities of the regular tutors. They also greet ALL incoming visitors, and ensure that their needs are met. Lead Tutors should demonstrate good leadership capabilities, and be ready to take charge of any issues that arise during a shift. Each shift has one Lead Tutor.

Expectations include (in addition to regular tutor responsibilities):

  • Setting a positive example for tutors in the shift

  • Ensuring that all tutors are conducting themselves in a school-appropriate manner

  • Tallying the number of visitors for each subject

  • Admitting Visitors one at a time

  • Warmly greeting visitors upon arrival, assessing their needs, and directing them to a tutor that can help them

  • Communicating with the tutors assigned to your shift

  • Reporting any safety issues to Mrs. Kamiya

Appointment Tutoring

In an appointment, tutors will meet one-on-one with a student. Tutors should have specific and detailed knowledge in one or more courses. This is a more traditional style tutoring session, and you will be expected to meet regularly with your assigned student. We will pair students and tutors to best match the needs of the student with the skills of the tutor.