
Our Vision:

  • We believe that students helping students is important, meaningful, and valuable for both visitors and tutors.

  • We make academic help available, convenient, and relatable for students, but we do not replace classroom teachers.

  • We create a central gathering place for students who need academic help and students who can offer help. In this space, we:

  • ask questions to prompt our peers to talk about their work

  • listen to our peers describe their work

  • offer feedback in response to our peers’ questions and concerns about their work

  • discuss ideas, plans, and strategies for working at any stage of an assignment

  • provide a focusing presence for students who need more structure

  • empower students to succeed on their own work

We do not:

  • turn away anyone who needs help

  • tutor silently

  • do our peers’ work for them or give them the answers

  • tell our peers what grade we think they will get

  • determine our peers’ college acceptances

  • play games, watch videos, or sleep

How can faculty get involved?

  • Encourage your students to visit!

  • Encourage your students to tutor!

  • Discuss your experiences in the PLC!

  • Offer feedback to the directors!

  • Partner with us!