AP Biology

 Each Unit will have a study plan. Every Unit plan is your DAILY GUIDE to success. You should be referring to this plan EVERY DAY! Although I don't grade your homework (I won't ask to see if you completed your assigned study guide questions each day), it is important for you to understand that I have developed this plan for you over many years of student success. If you follow it consistently, you will see much more success in your learning and on your tests. If you procrastinate and avoid reviewing every night, then find yourself doing poorly on tests, following the daily plan would be a good place for you to start improving on your study habits! 

Hardey family Zip-lining in Maui

Welcome to Mr. Hardey's AP Biology website.  Here you will find many helpful tools.  First, make sure to utilize the class calendar to keep on top of due dates for most all assignments and readings.  Second, you will find many helpful links under Units of Study related to all the material we will be trying to learn this next Semester.  Lastly, you can download and print many class handouts and practice worksheets directly from this site.