
The Clinical Counseling Program Provides a variety of services for the students and families at PUC Schools.

To make a referral for any Clinical Counseling Service, see the office staff at your school site.

Individual Counseling

Counseling is a process whereby a counselor will help or assist an individual who is seeking help in gain greater understanding of self, improved decision making and behavior change to overcome his or her problems.

Family Counseling

Family counseling helps family members communicate better with each other, improve relationships, and helps to resolve conflicts in the family.

Group Counseling

Group Counseling is a form of counseling where people meet in groups with a counselor and benefit from shared experiences. Often group counseling if focused on a specific issue.

Student Success Meetings

School Success Meetings are a preventive intervention strategy at each school regarding last year’s behavior concerns and social emotional needs. Each school would provide a list of students who were challenged last year either behaviorally or academically.

Check In Sessions

Check In sessions can be done indvidually or in groups. The counselors conduct check in sessions with students to assess progress, identify barriers to learning, attendance, communication, socialization, and to proivde resrouces and referrals when approrpriate.

Class Presentations

Counselors provide classroom presentations and professional development trainings to school staff at PUC Schools. Classroom presentations and professional development trainings are geared to provide psycho-education and meet the needs of the audience.

Family Success Meetings

Family Success Meetings are special family sessions that are held over the summer with new students and their families. This includes Kindergarteners, 6th graders, and 9th graders. The focus of these meetings is to address the transition into a new school environment. These meetings discuss strengths, concerns, success strategies from the previous year of school and support needed. Goals are made to ensure a successful beginning to the school year.

Parenting Groups &


The PUC Counseling Program offers various parenting groups

and webinars for parents:

General Webinars

Webinar: -Anxiety and Coping with the Coronavirus

Webinar: Self Care during the Coronavirus

Webinar: How Mindfulness Can Help During COVID 19

Webinars for Parents with Young Children

Webinar: Support for Kids with ADHD During the Coronavirus

Webinar: Talking to Kids about the Coronavirus

Webinar: When Siblings Wont Stop Fighting

Webinar: How to Work from Home with Kids During COVID 19

Webinars for Parents with Older Children

Webinar: How to Give Effective Instructions for Parents

Webinar: Three Common Parent Traps

Webinar: Supporting Teens and Young Adults during the Coronavirus

The PUC Counselors use a variety of creative expressive therapies in sessions.

Art Therapy

Music Therapy

Music Therapy Association

Sand Tray Therapy

Cinema Therapy

Movement Therapy

Play Therapy