
Calendar of Events

Clinical Counseling Group Supervision Calendar 2020-2021

Week: Topic: Case Presentation:

4th week of August Introduction to Group/Theory/Uploading Caseloads on Intranet No

1st week of September Case Presentation & Transcript Overview, Vignette – Progress Note No

2nd week of September Community circle question and discussion on legal and ethical dilemmas

that might come up at PUC, Vignette – Treatment Plan No

3rd week of September Getting groups started**Vignette – Psycho-socials No

4th week of September Crisis – Filling Out SCAR/Child abuse quiz/Threat Assessment Yes

1st week of October Group Process -Beginning Yes

2nd week of October Self-Care Contract Follow-Up, AUDITS Yes

3rd week of October Evaluation Rubric Yes

4th week of October Columbia Suicide Severity Scale Yes

1st week of November Cultural Diversity Yes

2nd week of November Group Dynamics, TRANSCRIPTS Yes

3rd week of November Holiday Blues Yes

Thanksgiving Break

1st week of December Preparing for Winter Break No

2nd week of December Self-Care and Happy Holidays! No

2nd week of January Group Process – Middle No

3rd week of January TF-CBT No

4th week of January Seeking Safety Yes + Intervention Share

1st week of February PCIT, TRANSCRIPTS Yes + Intervention Share

2nd week of February Group Process – Middle Yes + Intervention Share

3rd week of February ACES Score Yes + Intervention Share

4th week of February Other Assessments Yes + Intervention Share

1st week of March Group Dynamics Review, AUDITS Yes + Intervention Share

2nd week of March Preparing for Spring Break Yes + Intervention Share

Spring Break

4th week of March End Phase of Treatment Yes + Intervention Share

1st week of April Termination No

2nd week of April Termination Paperwork No

3rd week of April Termination Activities No

4th week of April Group Process – Final Sessions No

1st week of May Client Satisfaction Scale No

2nd week of May Termination No

3rd week of May Final Group/Termination No

Upcoming events

Inclusion and Special Education

Monday, September 14th, 2020 10am to 12pm

Grief and Loss

Monday, October 26th, 2020,

10am to 12pm


Date: TBD

Working with LGBTQ Clients

Date: TBD

Trauma Informed Care

Date: TBD

Finding Clinical Jobs

Date: TBD

Past events

Summer Orientation

June 10, 11, and 12, 2020

Fall Orientation

August 19, 20, and 21, 2020

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