Packaging Producer Responsibility

Worldwide, we produce almost 400 million tons of plastic waste annually—and nearly half of all plastic produced is intended to be used just once and thrown away. 

Unfortunately, it  doesn’t stop with plastics.  We are inundated with excess packaging, especially single-use items.

Washington’s recycling systems have not been able to keep up with the influx of plastic and paper packaging flooding into our homes and environment:

The solution:

We can address the growing amount of unnecessary and non-recyclable packaging by making producers–the companies that actually make packaging decisions–financially responsible for the end-of-life costs of these materials, rather than these costs falling on Washington residents. 

This will put in place incentives for companies to reduce packaging and instead use packaging that is reusable, compostable, or actually recyclable.


Producer responsibility in action:

Globally, companies have been complying with producer responsibility programs since the 1990s, with great results. In the last two years, California, Colorado, Maine, and Oregon have passed producer responsibility programs for packaging and more states are considering putting their own programs in place.

The benefits of a packaging producer responsibility policy

Photo attribution: (Header) Tampa Bay Estuary Program, (Top to Bottom): Hollie Santos on Unsplash and PFW Coalition