Impacts on Communities

Plastic impacts communities throughout the world at every step of its lifecycle, from fossil fuel extraction to plastic disposal. 

Living next to plastic plants

Communities near plastic manufacturing plants are impacted by air and water pollution. The plastics that we use in Washington state are often manufactured in low-income and marginalized communities in the U.S. and around the world. For example, in Louisiana, along a section of the Mississippi River, there are 200 industrial plants. The EPA has nicknamed this area "cancer alley" because of the high rates of cancer and miscarriages.

Illegal dumping and litter

Unfortunately, litter and illegal dumping has increased in recent years due to the shift of materials used in packaging and also the excessive amounts of plastic that we receive daily. These impacts are most felt by lower income and marginalized communities. Litter can attract pests which can spread disease and can decrease property values.

Trash Incineration

For every ton of dense plastic burned, more than two tons of CO2 is released into the atmosphere. Burning plastic waste also releases a range of toxic gasses, heavy metals, and particles into the air. These can be very bad for our health. While there is currently only one incinerator in Washington, there is pressure to build more, often in marginalized communities. 

Photo attribution: (Header) John Cameron, (Top to Bottom) Levi Meir Clancy, Paul Schellekenson, and Sören Funk on Unsplash