Lego Challenges


Helpful Online Extras

If you're looking for a challenge or something extra to enhance what you are learning in class or perhaps searching for a website to give you some answers; here is the place to be!

Resources for Students


NASA - Kids - Play games while learning about science

Nasa - Student Site - Read articles and find links to current data geared to student interests

Science News for Kids - News in Science geared to student interests in science to spur your intellect

Bill Nye- Official site of BIll Nye, the Science Guy!

CSI Website Adventures - Come solve a CSI case!

Weather Wiz Kids - Explore everything about weather

Art (apps)

PUPPETMASTER: Brings any image to life.

iTABLA PANDIT: Bring Indian accompaniments to your musical compositions.

KALEIDACAM: Explore and create patterns, circles and spirals using this fun app.


Code. org - Introduces students to coding

Glogster - Creates interactive multimedia posters

Powtoon - Creates movies

Google- Made with Code - Google answer to code


Wuzzit Touble - Students gain understanding of their math facts while solving problems.

Number Rack - Used to show number relationships

Motion Math - Visual game targeting the skills of numbers and fractions


Amusement Park Physics - Learn about physics while at an amusement park

Design Squad Nation - Learn to design through games and tutorials

Engineer Girl encourages young middle-school girls to pursue STEM careers. Girls can “try on a career,” speak to actual professional engineers, play games and participate in polls, apply for scholarships and more.

Discover E’s mission is to promote and grow an engineering profession through outreach, education and volunteerism. The site explains what engineering is and what career paths an individual could take. It also offers informational videos and educational games.


LEGO Master Challenge - Pop in to watch the Lego Master Challenge series and get inspired to submit to the Lego challenge!

STEM Career: Students, teachers, counselors and parents can explore resources explaining the benefits of STEM careers. Students receive help choosing the right school and specific career. They also can get homework help and more. Educators can access classroom ideas, resources and extracurricular activities. Users also will find news about developments in the field. Here's a free three-dimensional program where users can make a storytelling animation, create a game or share a video. The Web site’s guide, who is similar to Alice from Alice in Wonderland, helps students create their visual masterpieces.

NASA For Educators: Lesson plans, teacher guides, classroom activities, video clips, games, posters, and more for teachers and students in grades K-4, 5-8, 9-12, and higher education.

CK-12 Foundation: CK-12’s mission is to equip students, teachers, and parents with the proper tools to learn everything STEM they need at a pace that works for them. Their site offers a number of amenities, including interactive learning with simulations and PLIX (Play, Learn, Interact, and Xplore)

STEM Type Quiz: Students can gain insights into what STEM career path might be right for them with the “STEM Type Quiz” from STEM Jobs. To get recommendations, students simply rate scenarios presented by the quiz and begin to build out a profile.​

Boston Tech Mom: Boston Tech Mom’s author Cyndi was partly responsible for the creation of the Kindle in 2007. Working for E Ink, she came to realize how invaluable STEM skills in today’s world are. A mother of two young girls, Cyndi is dedicated to exposing and educating young individuals on technology. Her site includes the latest in technology news and programs, and also offers suggestions on how to “Explore tech at home”.