School Counseling Website
Nellie Coffman Middle School Counselors:
Mark Butzko - 760-770-8617 ex 1422 -
Cynthia Rodriguez - 760-770-8617 ex 1420 -
Renata Flores - 760-770-8617 ex 1423
Welcome to the Nellie Coffman Middle School Counseling website.
This website provides a wealth of information for students and parent/guardians.
So take some time and "surf" around.
NCMS Counseling Department Mission Statement
The mission of the Nellie Coffman Middle School’s counseling department is to provide a comprehensive school counseling program for all students. Professional school counselors will support all students in developing the skills and understanding necessary to identify and pursue their quintessential goals, fostering a growth mindset to help them achieve their fullest potential as lifelong learners. The school counseling program will provide equitable access and address the social/emotional, academic, and career development needs of every student. In collaboration with the middle school staff, the school counseling department will encourage and cultivate the creative talents in all students. Working in partnership with parents, other educators, and the community, the school counseling department will facilitate a program that inspires students to increase their skills to think critically, make wise choices, and become productive members of the global society.
NCMS Counseling Department Belief Statements
Nellie Coffman Middle School Counselors believe:
Counselors are instrumental in helping guide students in gaining the knowledge and skills that are necessary for them to make good decisions in regard to their own personal educational goals; career planning; and post secondary goals.
All students at NCMS have the right to be served by the school counseling program.
All students will be treated with respect without regard to their race, culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.
Every individual student's personal differences will be considered when planning and implementing the school counseling program.
Every student has the potential to succeed and will be given equal access and opportunity to a rigorous academic program.
All students will have access to the school counseling program to address their academic, personal, social emotional learning, higher academic and career planning needs.
All students have the ability to learn and have the right to take advantage of all educational opportunities provided by NCMS.
Counselors will work collaboratively with all stakeholders: (students, educators, parents, and community members.
The school counseling program will be created and executed by state certified school counselors and follow the ethical guidelines set by the ASCA National Model.
NCMS School Counseling Vision Statement
The students of Nellie Coffman Middle School are a diverse population who possess the academic skills and growth mindset to be lifelong learners. They recognize their value and worth and strive to understand, pursue, and meet their quintessential goals, using their individual talents and life experiences to make a positive impact on society. The vision of the Nellie Coffman Middle School Counseling Department is guided by our professional commitment to empower each student with the skills, knowledge, and growth mindset needed to achieve success in their future. Our learning community provides a safe and nurturing educational environment that enables each student to develop their own personal growth mindset, fostering their journey to become caring, productive, and contributing members of society.
Comprehensive School Counseling Program - Nellie Coffman Middle School
The Nellie Coffman Middle School counseling program is modeled after the American School Counseling Association National Model. School data helps us in making informed decisions on what needs are to be met to help assist the student population. Throughout the year, school counselors deliver Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 interventions to students as described by the MTSS (multi-tiered system of support) model. Our goal is to provide appropriate curriculum that is focused on the needs of the students, their mindsets, and will help all students to develop and mature to their true potential. The goal of our counseling program is to close the achievement and opportunity gaps while improving student achievement and mental health.
MTSS (Multi-tiered system of support) model
Tier 1 - School wide 100% of student population "What All Students Receive"
Social emotional lessons for all students
Instructional practices to 100% of students based on developmental needs
School-wide activities based on social emotional learning and academic skill enrichment
New Advisory Class
Weekly social-emotional lessons delivered to all students through teaching staff
Tier 2 - Group "What Some Students Receive"
Second layer of strategic interventions
Designed specifically around those students who receive core instruction and support in Tier 1 but need additional support to be successful
Data driven inquires to identify specific groups of students for tier 2 interventions
Groups created around the needs of the student population
Groups target the following: attendance, behavior, social emotional issues, and/or academic needs
Tier 3 - Individual - 1-5% of student Population "Additional Help"
Third layer of support for the students in need
Individual (short-term) weekly counseling sessions
District counseling services
Nellie Coffman Middle School
34-603 Plumley Road, Cathedral City, CA 92234
Phone: (760)-770-8617