Sustainability Scholars

About the Program

The goal of this program and scholarship is to promote students’ conscientious participation in education abroad activities, engaging in sustainable practices, and advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Students will be prompted to “give back” by thinking more critically about how they engage with the world and act in ways that promote more sustainable and just communities, particularly as they become aware of the impacts travel can have on the environment and host communities. This program goes beyond the education abroad experience by prompting students to reflect on their experience and how peace, justice, and equity intersect with sustainable development around the world and back at “home.”

Students who apply and have been selected for this program will receive funding towards a future education abroad experience, contingent upon the successful completion of all program components.

Program Components

Before Studying Abroad

While Abroad

Posting aims to make you ambassadors for sustainability in education abroad, engage other students in sustainability, and share these initiatives with a wider audience. 

After returning from their education abroad experience 

Scholar feedback and experiences will help influence future iterations of this program and shape sustainability priorities across all of Education Abroad.

Application Process

There will be one application cycle during the 2023-2024 Academic year. We encourage students planning to study abroad at any point during their academic career at Penn State to apply, but priority for this application cycle will go to students studying abroad over winter embedded 2023-24, spring '24, summer '24, and fall '24.

For the 2023-2024 Application Cycle

In the application, students will be asked to submit an essay addressing the following prompt:

Please describe how your preferred education abroad program aligns with 1-2 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). What do you plan to do abroad and/or when you return to advance these or other SDGs in the context of your education abroad experience?

Essays must be between 250 - 500 words and can be uploaded in the application form as a Word document or pdf.

The selection committee will review applications, and those selected will be notified via email. Students will have the opportunity to officially commit to the scholars program after a careful review of all program components. After committing to the program, students will receive support from Education Abroad staff in selecting and applying to a future education abroad experience if they have not already done so. The award will be applied at the time of the experience. 

Award Amounts


Apply to Become a Sustainability Scholar:

The application form should appear below if you are already logged in to your Penn State account. If it does not, please click the link below to log in and access the application form: 

Education Abroad Sustainability Scholars Application Form