Orange Class

Welcome to Orange Class

In Orange Class we are excited and ambitious learners! We strive to be inclusive and aspirational to all children in our school. This year we have developed our skills and knowledge ready for Key Stage 1. This year we have exciting opportunities arising, with the chance to explore how to care for farm animals at a local farm later on this year.

What will we be learning this term?

Weekly updates

Here, Miss Hiles will give weekly updates about what children have learnt across the week. Miss Hiles will share a few photographs and short explanations to describe the learning.

24th June 2022

This week we have immersed ourselves in Art, looking at 'A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas' by Claude Joseph Vernet. Children have really enjoyed building upon a piece of work each afternoon. They have showed great resilience. In Maths we have been continuing to learn to tell the time, we have explored using stopwatches to record our friends races. They have loved being active in their learning!

17th June 2022

We have enjoyed getting creative this year, we had lots of fun when dads came in on Friday and we built strong bridges out of anything we could find. This week we had a going away party for someone in our class and the children loved playing with the parachute and using their motor skills to create big waves. They have started to tell the time, they can now tell the time to o'clock and half past. They are constantly practicing this and really enjoy telling me it is lunch time at 12 o'clock.

10th June 2022

This week we've been very busy getting back into Year 1 learning. We are starting to get ready for September and moving into Year 2. We had so much fun in Geography learning all about continents and countries, we even made a song!

20th May 2022

This week children have explored how fish live. They have loved dissecting sardines and looking at the bones and scales on the side of the fish. It did stink out Orange Class! As they were so excited about this, we went outside to draw and label a diagram of a fish. We have also been getting ready for the Queen's jubilee by creating bunting for our disco next Wednesday. We have finished our writing this week about Pinocchio, children rewrote the story from the view of a girl puppet who is brave, many of the children decided to call her Maddie as we all thought she is the bravest girl we know right now.

13th May 2022

During this week children have been working especially hard on their handwriting. They are preparing themselves for Year 2 by beginning to write pre-cursive (whoosh in and out, before joining up their writing). The resilience they have all shown has been amazing! In Maths children have shown great understanding in using their knowledge of division in fractions, where they have started to learn about halves and quarters. In PSHE, we are looking at our growing self, children have done a lot of self reflection and comparison with their younger self. Some of the boys compared themselves to their friends, concluding that every grows at different speeds and they loved the fact they were all 6 but their feet were different sizes and didn't always relate to their height.

6th May 2022

This week children have enjoyed learning about Pinocchio in more depth. They have also worked on being supportive friends as children and how we grow up into kind and caring adults. Children have loved exploring play during OPAL sessions at lunchtime and during the OPAL stay and play this Friday. In Maths children are securing their multiplication and division knowledge through sharing groups of objects and looking at natural arrays (a chocolate bar!) Science has become the favourite subject in Orange Class and children's curiosity has grown whist exploring amphibians and reptiles. In Geography children have looked at the UK, recoginising its 4 countries and capital cities, they loved learning how each country's flag fit into the Union Jack.

25th April 2022

The first week back from the Easter Holidays has been a blast! Children have been curious in their learning, exploring animals and habits for insects in the conservation area. They have developed their mathematical skills in division and multiplication by using resources to help their working out. Pinocchio is their English topic for Term 5, they have enjoyed making puppets and getting to write engaging sentences about the adventure story.

8th April 2022

We have had a lovely last week of Term 4. Children have been exploring more plants outside and planting our very own bean class plant. We have developed our resilience with writing this week, children have published their work using their best handwriting. Children were immersed in DT this week, they practiced their cutting skills during making fruit kebabs and cookies.

1st April 2022

This week children have started to learn about multiplication and division in Maths, first by sharing numbers into equal and unequal groups, then moving on to looking at arrays around them in everyday life (eggs, cupcakes and even chocolate bars!) In English children have been plotting and planning their story about loosing there own hat across Bath, they have loved looking at Bath Landmarks like Bath Abbey, Roman Baths and Sally Lunns. In Science children have enjoyed exploring fruit and vegetables. They have classified them and even got to try some vegetables they haven't ever tried. The favourites were cauliflower and pepper!

25th March 2022

We have been very busy this week in Orange class, children have loved the hot weather and the start of Spring! During Science we have been looking fruit and vegetables and how they grow. We have also had fun being great friends and learning how to do relay races. In PE children we have loved playing tennis.

Book Quest

This week in Book Quest, Orange Class read and discussed the book, Rainbow Bird by Eric Maddern and Adrienne Kennaway

These are the topics we discussed and questions we asked in our book quest time.


A high point/ low point for the main character is ……...

I liked/ didn’t like the main character because

The character shows what they are like when ………

The character changes when …….

I know how the character felt when….. because

The character reminds me of…..

Types of text

The text is fiction because ………………..

The pictures/ diagrams are used to …

The book reminds me of …..


The beginning, middle and end can be written in 3 sentences as …..

The story reminds me of …...

There was some insightful answers and it lead to an interesting discussion.

Golden Book Assembly: 11th May 2022

It's been a busy week in KS1 this week, especially with the Year 2 SATs! But we had our weekly assembly and gave a big congratulations to all of the children who have been put in the Golden Book this past week.

In Orange Class, we celebrated Oscar C and Mea. Well done!

Golden Book Assembly: 11th May 2022

Another fantastic week in KS1! Today we had lots of children who were celebrated for being put in the Golden Book. We had a lot of children who have been showing aspiration and resilience!

In Orange Class, we celebrated the achievements of Jasmine and Madie I. Well done girls!

Golden Book Assembly: 4th May 2022

All of KS1 had a great start to Term 5 and they really impressed the KS1 teacher with how sensible they were when going in to and coming out of assembly. It was so nice to see all of the children who had made it into the Golden Book for their hard work and resilience. Well done, everyone!

Key Stage 1 Golden Book assembly: 6th April 2022

It's been another fantastic Golden Book assembly this week. The children in Key Stage 1 have tried really hard since our last assembly to show some outstanding behaviour and effort in their work. As last time, it was brilliant to see so many children being recognised for their efforts.

In Orange Class, we celebrated the achievements of Freya, Winter, Reuben, Phoebe and Logan! Well done!

Key Stage 1 Golden Book assebmly: 23rd March 2022

Well done to all of the Key Stage 1 children who had their names put into the Golden Book for their hard work and effort they've been putting into their learning. It was lovely to have so many children being recognised for their outstanding behaviour and attitudes.

In Orange Class, the children who had their names in the Golden Book were Blake and Winter. Well done you three!