Daffodil Class

Welcome to Daffodil Class

Hello and welcome to the Daffodil Class page! Here, you will be able to see what we have been learning about in school each week. But first, a little bit about us:

In Daffodil Class, we love learning new things! We are curious learners and always ask questions in our lessons. We love looking at the school's diversity calendar each day to learn about inspirational people, other cultures and other religions! We work very hard in our lessons and we're making great progress each day!

Term 6

What will we be learning this term?

Term 6 What are we learning.docx

Weekly Updates!

Weekly update: Week commencing 6th June 2022

What a busy first week back! The children jumped straight into their work this week and have been enjoying the start of our new topics.

In English, we have started looking at a poem - "If I Were in Charge of the World". We have been looking at how the poem has been written and changing the verses to what we would do if we were in charge of the world. There were some very interesting and funny suggestions! In Maths, we have finished off our topic on length and moved onto learning about temperature. We had great fun using thermometers to measure the temperature of different cups of water! In PE, we ran our heats to get ready for sports day. Everyone tried their best and cheered on the children in Buttercup and Sunflower class when they had their turns.

The Year 1s in Daffodil Class have been showing off their phonics skills this week when doing the Phonics Check and on Friday they started the first part of their reading test. Miss Slater has been very impressed with all of the progress that they have made so far this year!

Weekly update: Week commencing 16th May 2022

It's been a busy week in Daffodil Class! Our Year 2 members have all been working hard and completing their SATs papers. They showed such a positive attitude all week and they celebrated their success this afternoon by joining the other Year 2 children for a special treat - a film with some snacks!

The Year 1 children in Daffodil Class have also been busy working this week. We've been concentrating on our Science topic (animals including humans) and our Geograpjhy topic (the United Kingdom). In Geography, we have been learning the different countries of the United Kingdom as well as their capital cities and which bodies of water which surrounds each one. We then moved on to learning the different between human and physical features. On Friday morning, we had a chance to show our amazing knowledge by completing a fact file about one of the countries of the United Kingdom.

In Science, we began by recapping the different groups of animals. We sorted pictures of the animals into each group and there was a lot of great discussion happening during this task. Afterwards, we talked as one big group about what makes an animal a mammal, amphibian, reptile, bird, fish or insect. On Friday morning we had a very hands-on task. We handled sardines! We held or touched the scales to see what they felt like and thought of good adjectives to help us describe them later on. Some children were very interested and we ended up opening the sardines down the middle - quite a few of the children were intrigued by the spine. Afterwards, we made sure to wash our hands a lot to get rid of the sardine smell.

In Art, everyone got to explore chalk pastels and practise blending them and using different mark making techniques. We then colelcted some more natural materials for our final piece which we bagan sketching and shading with the chalk pastels. Some of us finished them and they look fab!

Weekly update: Week commencing 9th May 2022

Another week has gone and it's been another week of fantastic work in Daffodil Class! In English, the children have been learning how to write some brilliant sentences to describe characters. We practised by writing about Ariel and Ursula from The Little Mermaid and then we used what we had learnt to help us plan our descriptions of Scar and Mufasa. The children enjoyed being able to write two different character descriptions, a hero and a villain, and they produced some amazing pieces of writing.

In Maths this week, we recapped our knowledge of fractions, 2D shapes and 3D shapes. Once again, the children showed what great progress they have made this year in their Maths knowledge. In PE, we continued to work on our football skills. We were lucky to have Amber Class join us in our PE lesson and we had 2 games of football going on at the same time. Miss Hiles refereed one match and Miss Slater refereed the other with help from Sophie - she was very good at handing out yellow or red cards when needed!

We also started our Art topic this week. It is looking at how we can use pencils and pastels. The children went into the conservation area to collect some natural materials and then took them back to class to sketch them. They worked very hard and showed that they had remembered a lot of the sketching techniques they had learnt in Term 1!

Weekly update: Week commencing 2nd May 2022

This week has flown by with the children continuing to enjoy their English work based around The Lion King. This week we looked at settings and practised writing some fantastic sentences to describe them. On Thursday, we watched the opening scene in The Lion King to get us enthusiastic about describing the setting and also to make us think very carefully about how the animals moved and the sounds that they made. The Year 2 children in Daffodil Class then went on to write about the opening setting in The Lion King. The Year 1 children showed off their sentence skills by writing a small book about a jungle setting they had made.

In Maths, we moved on to multiplication and division work. We recapped repeated addition, arrays and multiplication sentences before moving on to division. Everyone in the class worked very hard in each lesson and continued to impress Miss Slater with how their mathematical skills have developed over the year.

On Friday morning, we all got to enjoy our Opal morning with some of the parents who managed to come and visit. The children were very excited to show the adults how they play at lunchtime and the different areas they could explore.

Weekly update: Week commencing 25th April 2022

After a long, relaxing Easter holiday, we came back ready to learn! On Monday, we were excited to go on a scavenger hunt to find different animals and plants as part of our work based around Earth Day. We also wrote pledges on how we were going to help the planet.

We have enjoyed starting our new English topic based around The Lion King. This week, we have been researching African animals and finding out some great facts about them. After a lot of research and planning, we all wrote a non-chronological report (like a fact file) about our chosen African animal.

In Maths, we have been showing what superstars we are by recapping and consolidating our addition and subtraction skills. A lot of us showed such great progress from when we first started learning about it in the autumn term.

In PE we started our football topic. We began with some dribbling skills but we impressed Miss Slater so much that we quickly moved on to some passing skills. Towards the end of the lesson, we had two 5 aside matches - Year 1s and Year 2s, to practise what we had learned.

Weekly update: Week commencing 4th April 2022

We've had a fantastic last week of term in Daffodil Class and we've been up to so much! In English, we all wrote our independent setting descriptions of London during the Great Fire of London and in Maths, we finished off on work the time topic. In Science, the children started to conduct an experiment looking at what happens when you take away one of the things plants need to grow - air, water, light. We have planted 4 pots of cress seeds and we're looking forward to seeing how they grow over the holidays - Miss Slater will be taking pictures! We also planted some sunflower seeds and we're hoping that we'll have a good number of class sunflowers in the summer term. Miss Slater is looking after them during the holidays and then we'll continue to care for them in Term 5.

Finally, we completed our DT topic - Teddy Bear's picnic. We tested different foods to see which picnic foods we liked. The class favourites we crisps, cake and biscuits. We reaslied that these weren't the healthiest choices so we had a talk about how we could have a balanced picnic. We all had a go at decorating and baking biscuits. We got very creative with them! The Year 1 children made fruit skewers and the Year 2 children made smoothies - not everyone liked the taste of them but we got to practise our cooking skills.

Have a lovely Easter holiady and see you in Term 5!

Thursday 7th April 2022

In Daffodil Class today we had another lovely treat. This time it came from Noah who wanted to share his book 'The Life of a Little Cardboard Box'. Noah was happy for the book to be shared with the class and all of the children enjoyed the story. The book came with an important message about reducing, reusing and recycling. Today was an especially good share for Noah to share his book because, as we found out on our diversity calendar, today is World Health Day. Thank you for sharing your book with us, Noah!

Wednesday 6th April 2022

Today in Daffodil Class, we had the lovely treat of Sophie sharing her book about World War 1. A few weeks ago, we learned about the trenches in our English lessons. Sophie was so interested in them that she ended up getting a book about World War 1. On Tuesday, she showed Mr Lyle her book and he was very impressed at her curiosity. Thank you for sharing with us, Sophie!

Weekly update: Week commencing 28th March 2022

Daffodil Class have continued to produce some brilliant writing based around George and the Dragon! This week, we have moved on to the part of the story where the dragon attacks a castle, steals a princess and then is found by George. The children have continued to focus on presentation in their writing alongside using some brilliant adjectives to describe. In Maths, we have continued to look at time this week and had fun sorting activities into groups based on the length of time it takes to complete them - seconds, minutes or hours. In Science, some of the children in Daffodil Class have been learning about the different parts of a plant. Other members of Daffodil Class took part in an investigation around the size of children's heads. In PE, we have continued to work on our ball skills but this week we used tennis rackets.

Mothers and Others Day: Monday 28th March 2022

On Mothers and Others Day, we had some lovely activties. The day started off with some shared reading of books - some of you may have been asked to read our class favourite, The Book With No Pictures. Afterwards, we had a quiz which had the children competing against the adults. The children were very pleased with themselves when they won overall and it was a lovely chance for the to show of their knowledge. Afterwards, we made some spring paintings of blossom trees by blowing paint and dabbing blossom on using cotton buds. After break, the adults were treated to an English lesson and got to see how much effort all of the children put into their learning.

Thank you to everyone who joined the class on Monday for our Mothers and Others Day! The children had lots of fun and enjoyed being able to share their learning with you. We hope that you had a lovely time!

Weekly update: Week commencing 21st March 2022

This week the children in Daffodil Class have had a great time writing sentences about our new book for English - George and the Dragon. We've been working very hard on our handwriting as well as including some very impressive vocabulary. In Maths, we've started looking at time on analogue clocks. Some of the children in Daffodil Class have been learning about Mary Anning in History and they have written some fabulous letters to Lyme Regis Council about why they think there should be a statue of Mary Anning. In PE, we've been practising our throwing and catching skills by playing games in teams.

March 2022 (so far)

Daffodil Class has had great fun learning about past events in English. We have been looking at how to write a diary entry for each event. First, we learned about the Great Fire of ondon and practised writing diary entry sentences. After that, we learned about the First World War and began to make our own diary entry where we pretended to be a soldier. We loved learning about both of the historical events!

In PE, we have started to work on our ball skills and even started to have a go at playing volleball together. The children have been doing lots of fun activities in the rest of our learning too!

Show and Tell!

Felix's Fossil

Felix shared his huge ammonite with the class and they loved hearing about how he found it! Looks like we may have a budding palaeontologist in Daffodil Class. Felix held it for the photo and showed off his super strength - it was very heavy!

Logan's Rock Plushie

Logan shared his plushie, Rock, with the class. He was very excited to tell them about when he got it and gave a good description of how it felt. The class thought that Rock was very cute!

Amelia's Dog House

Amelia shared her dog house with Daffodil Class. She had clearly been working very hard on it and Miss Slater loved the colour! She was very good at explaining how she made it and what she was going to use it for - her dog teddy will definitely have a fancy home!

Eilidh's Football trophy

Eilidh was very happy when she shared her football trophy with the rest of the class. We have a lot of football fans in Daffodil Class who asked some great questions and Eilidh was able to answer them all confidently. We're lucky to have seen Eilidh's fab football skills in PE recently!

Emme's Diary

Emme shared her super cute panda diary with the children in Daffodil Class. We've got a lot of enthusiastic writers in our class and Emme is no exception. She talked about when she writes in it and about her different stationery too!

Denver's Birthday Surprise

Denver was extremely eager to share this present he got for his birthday. He explained to everyone about what it is and about the others he has from the set at home. We had a lot of interesting questions that Denver was more than happy to answer.

Rushjana's Unicorn

Rushjana brought in her small but adorable unicorn keychain to share with the class. She spoke in a very clear voice about it and I think you'll agree that whatever she attaches it too will definitely look fancy!

Imogen's Football Trophy

Imogen shared her football trophy with the class. She explained why she got it and read the engraving - Peasedown Rovers 2021-2022. A lot of the children were very interested in the trophy and Imogen was very excited to share it.

Noah's Fact Book

Noah was very happy to share his fact book about our planet which he borrowed from the library. He showed a few pages and the children were very impressed with the range of topics - especially the pages about volcanoes! I'm sure a few more children may be interested in visiting the library after this Show and Tell!

Lucas' Pet Photos

Lucas wowed the class with his photos of Flo, his St Bernard's puppy. He had even written down a page of facts about her to read out to the class. The were a lot of "Awwww!"s as Lucas showed his 5 photos of Flo and talked about each one.

Cara's Curious Toy

Cara brought in her toy to show to the class and they were very intrigued by it. When Cara showed how she could make its eyes and ears moved around, the children were very impressed! Cara spoke in a very confident voice when explaining where it was from.

Oscar's Football Book

The football fans were very excited when Oscar shared his Premier League sticker book with them. He explained where it got it from and how often he gets stickers before sharing his favourite page - Chelsea football club (Eilidh was very happy!). He then made a few more children happy by showing some of his other stickers.

Golden Book Assemblies

Golden Book Assembly: 11th May 2022

It's been a busy week in KS1 this week, especially with the Year 2 SATs! But we had our weekly assembly and gave a big congratulations to all of the children who have been put in the Golden Book this past week.

In Daffodil Class, we celebrated Oscar. Well done!

Golden Book Assembly: 11th May 2022

Another fantastic week in KS1! Today we had lots of children who were celebrated for being put in the Golden Book. We had a lot of children who have been showing aspiration and resilience!

In Daffodil Class, we celebrated the achievements of Finley, Logan, Alexander and Eilidh. Well done everyone!

Golden Book Assembly: 4th May 2022

All of KS1 had a great start to Term 5 and they really impressed the KS1 teacher with how sensible they were when going in to and coming out of assembly. It was so nice to see all of the children who had made it into the Golden Book for their hard work and resilience. Well done, everyone!

Key Stage 1 Golden Book assembly: 6th April 2022

It's been another fantastic Golden Book assembly this week. The children in Key Stage 1 have tried really hard since our last assembly to show some outstanding behaviour and effort in their work. As last time, it was brilliant to see so many children being recognised for their efforts.

In Daffodil Class, we celebrated the achievement of Jasper, Katie and Noah. Well done!

Key Stage 1 Golden Book assembly: 23rd March 2022

Well done to all of the Key Stage 1 children who had their names put into the Golden Book for their hard work and effort they've been putting into their learning. It was lovely to have so many children being recognised for their outstanding behaviour and attitudes.

In Daffodil Class, the children who had their names in the Golden Book were Erin, Olly, Katie and Finley. Well done!

Book Talk

The first book Daffodil Class got to explore was When Sadness Comes to Call. It's a great book about feeling sad and gives some good tips on how to deal with sadness. The children were very engaged when Miss Slater read it to them. We thought carefully about the text, focusing on the type of text it was, the theme, and the writer's techniques. Here are some of sentence starters that helped us talk about the book:

The text is fiction because ………………..

The pictures/ diagrams are used to …

The book reminds me of …..

The story is about being……….. Or not being ………..

The big idea of the story is………..

The moral of the story is……...

The word or sentence ……. makes me feel……

The adjectives the author uses about …. make me feel …….

The author’s choice of the word……. makes me think of …