GT Identification

The identification process in Poudre School District uses a “body of evidence” for students being considered for gifted education services.

In order to qualify for gifted education services, the student needs at least three qualifying indicators that span two different areas of the body of evidence in an academic area.

 The Body of Evidence consists of the following categories: 

Intellectual Ability Scores:

Achievement Scores:

Behavior Characteristics:

Gifted and Talented (SIGS)

Demonstrated Performance:

*Achievement and Intellectual Ability/Aptitude are the areas in which the district screens students, and all students have assessment scores in these two areas. Not all students will have scores in Behavior Characteristics or Demonstrated Performance as these areas are addressed only if screening scores are not representative of a student’s abilities. 

For more information, visit the PSD Gifted and Talented Website .

Teachers, parents, and students can also refer students for gifted identification consideration. Referrals can be made any time between mid-September and mid-March. Please contact the school GT site coordinator for more information.