Research Day

RMHS Research Day Proposal Information

What is Research Day?

Research Day is a time when students can orally present a paper that they have written for a class this year at Rocky. It usually takes place in early April/late May. The Rocky community will be invited to come and hear about the great academic findings of our students.

Who can participate?

Any student at Rocky is welcome to present.

Why would I want to do this?

So often, your classroom assignments don’t have an audience beyond a teacher or class. This day lets you share your ideas and research findings with other students and the Rocky community. It also is a “real life” experience that that you may encounter in college or through work. Let's be honest, it also looks good on a resume or college application. For those of you planning on joining the Honors Program in college, it gives you experience with presenting a paper before your have to do it in college. Finally, it lets students who have completed outside research a chance to share their findings.

What is the format for presentations?

There are 2 types of presentations:

1. Oral presentation: this presentation is open to all RMH students, but recommended for students in grades 10-12. They will be given 12 minutes to present their research paper/project/ experiment etc. in a classroom setting.

2. Poster presentation: this presentation is open to all students at Rocky. Students will create a poster presentation and display it in the San Juan open space. They will be present to share their work and answer questions to people viewing the exhibits.

What subjects will be represented?

Any! This day recognizes any research ranging from:

--research done to write a creative work (such as a novel)

--science experiments

--social studies or English research papers

--world languages research or cultural projects

--business proposals

-- research/persuasive speeches

-- health or physical education research projects

-- etc. (use your imagination for other options…)

The possibilities are entirely open!

How do I apply to present?

Students need to complete one of the following Google forms. Essentially, these are research proposals.

Humanties/ Business oral presentation proposal (any subject that is NOT math or science):

Science/ Math oral presentation proposal:

Poster Presentation proposal:

When is the deadline for proposals?

All forms must be submitted by (this will be posted in March of 2022).

Can students present work only from 2nd semester classes?

No. If you completed a stellar research projects during 1st semester in your classes, please submit a proposal.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Amy Otteman-Freeman at 970.488.7153 or .