3rd Grade

In August, we learn PE expectations and routines such as coming in quietly, participating in a warm up, learning games, and lining up. We also play games to learn about the Lynx Cave, review the Zones of Regulation, and the Conflict Corner in the gym.

In September we will review various locomotor skills such as skipping, galloping, hopping, etc. and practiced how to take turns and follow the rules of games. We work on spatial awareness and keeping ourselves and others safe in PE during cooperative games. We are adding to our movement vocabulary exercises such as burpees, squats, planks, and push ups.

In October and November, we focus on throwing and catching. We are play a variety of games that required students to aim at a target or throw to a teammate. We specifically focus on overhand throws to prepare for our dynamic overhand throwing assessment.

For Decemember, we finally got to use our amazing rock wall funded by PTO. After installation, it quickly came back down to get an updated paint job. Students learned about climbing safety, taking turns, and practiced climbing the wall and ropes.

During January, we continued working on how to take turns in various games and apply sportsmanship and problem solving. We worked together in partners and small groups to learn how to play 4 square.

In February, we will be starting our big gymnastics unit. Students will learn basic gymnastic positions and vocabulary such as planks, hollow body holds, arch, tuck, pike, etc. They will have opportunities to practicethese positions on the floor, sometimes in the air (jumping on to mats and off spring boards), and while hanging from a bar. Students will learn how to lift and hold thier own body weight and how that applies to other sports and activities. The rock wall and the ropes will be incorporated again into this unit.