How are students identified 

for Gifted and Talented Education in PSD?

An Overview of Gifted Identification in PSD

Screening:  All PSD students receive consideration for gifted identification in reading and math through the gifted screening process, which begins when students take the CogAT in spring of second grade. Students also take the MAP assessment in math and reading beginning in second grade and the CMAS state assessment in math and English language arts beginning in third grade. Additionally, gifted identification specialists screen all test scores at least twice each year and work directly with the gifted site coordinators at every school to identify new students.

Referrals:  Teachers, parents, and students can initiate a referral for gifted identification. Referrals can be made from mid-September through mid-March. Please contact your school’s gifted coordinator for exact dates and for a copy of the referral form. The signed referral form must be submitted to the school’s gifted site coordinator. Per CDE requirements, PSD will let parents/guardians know what the next steps will be within 30 days after the gifted identification specialist receives the referral form from the gifted site coordinator.

Common reasons for GT referral:

❖ A student is new to Poudre School District.

❖ A K–2 student is being considered for gifted identification (the process differs from grades 3-12).

❖ A 3–12 student has qualifying scores but does not yet meet criteria.

❖ A student is being considered for identification in an area other than reading and math.

Criteria:   To qualify for gifted education services, the student needs at least three qualifying indicators that span two different areas of the body of evidence.

✓ Qualifying indicators include scores at the 95th percentile or higher, “exceeded expectations” on CMAS, or

a predetermined score on assessments in demonstrated performance.

✓ No two scores may come from the same assessment or the same type of assessment. (For example, the

MAP and i-Ready are both norm-referenced achievement tests, and multiple qualifying scores count as

a single qualifying data point.)

✓ All qualifying indicators need to be within the same two-year period.