Course Overview

  1. Watch the tutorials to learn about the tech tool.

  2. Create a product to use with students.

  3. Reflect on you and your student's experience.

Step 1: Thinglink Tutorials


Complete the tutorials below in order and then take the technical skills quiz. You will need to create a Thinglink to replicate the activities from the tutorials. You can choose how to engage with the tutorials (interactive steps, a video, or a PDF of steps after clicking on the link.) NOTE: You must have a pro account to access all of the Thinglink features detailed below.

This course is not currently available for credit so Step 2, 3, and 4 are not available to complete.

Please reach out if you have any questions, need classroom or planning assistance after completing the tutorials above.

Step 2: Create an Interactive Image Thinglink and Course

  • Create a Thinglink you could potentially use in your own class.

    1. Choose a background image.

    2. Include at least three tags.

    3. Number the tags 1, 2, and 3.

    4. One tag should include a related picture.

    5. One tag should include a related video.

    6. One tag should link to an outside resource.

    7. Ensure you have the privacy settings adjusted so I can ultimately view your image.

  • Create at least one course. (NOTE: You must have a pro account.) Within your course, include the following:

    1. A title for the course.

    2. Put the aforementioned assignment in the course.

    3. For the assignment, include

      • Instructions,

      • A due date

      • A topic

      • A total number of points.

STEP 3: Wrap it All Up

  1. Post the join code for your Thinglink course here: Google Assignment. Thanks!

  2. Provide feedback for the course: