Bethke Counseling Home
Christie McPhail
The Bethke Counseling Program
The counseling program is designed to help your child make the most of his or her educational experience. As your child’s counselor, I am concerned about his or her emotional well-being, academic progress, and personal and social development.
The following activities are offered in the Bethke counseling program:
Group counseling to help students establish friendships, get along with others, and deal with issues such as anxiety, divorce, and grief
Solution-focused, short-term individual counseling for academic, behavioral and social issues
Mediation of conflicts between students
Consultation with parents and teachers
Referral assistance for families who are seeking counseling services in the community
Coordination of 504 plans
Guidance lessons in the classroom (topics may include character education, bully prevention, friendship skills, problem solving, conflict resolution, career exploration, stress management, study skills, and personal safety)