

A trade school is a postsecondary school that helps train students for a specific job in a skilled trade career. Trade schools offer hands-on training and real-world work experience. It is important to research requirements for apprenticeships, certificate, programs, or unions of trades that interest you.

*Please Note: Trades certificate programs are covered by FAFSA. The program must be at least 15 weeks long (1 semester programs are eligible) and the trade school must accept FAFSA.

Trades Apprenticeship Programs in the Chicago Area

Many unions operate schools to train students for employment in the trades. This paid training can last several years. This period of training is called an apprenticeship. A list of Illinois skilled trade unions can be found here.

View information on the VALEES website to learn about apprenticeships.

Not sure which type of apprenticeship & career would be the best fit? Take this quiz & watch short videos of professionals in different trades to determine which would be the best fit for you.

Below are some of the many apprenticeships offered by unions in the Chicago area:

Additional Resources

In this guide, see the number to call the local union of interest. Call to set up a tour and ask any questions about the career and application process. This is a good way to start the networking process. When tours are allowed, tour the training facility. is the one-stop source to connect career seekers, employers, & education partners with apprenticeship resources. Discover apprenticeships across industries, how programs are started by employers, & how to become an apprentice.


U.S. Department of Labor’s Registered Apprenticeship program, ApprenticeshipUSA, offers opportunities to earn a salary while learning the skills necessary to succeed in high-demand careers.

Click here for a list of the programs available occupations. was created and developed by the Chicagoland Construction Education & Training Foundation, which is a subsidiary of the Associated General Contractors of America's Chicago area chapter (Chicagoland AGC). The goal of BuildILLINOIS is to educate students on the benefits of choosing a career in construction.


NIU has a program that considers trade programs and associates in applied sciences towards a B.S. in Technology with an emphasis in Applied Manufacturing Technology (online) and other programs.


Electrician's Apprenticeship Program.pdf