P.S. 58 S.T.R.I.D.E.

What is S.T.R.I.D.E.?

S.T.R.I.D.E is a committee of educators, students and family members who are dedicated to Social Justice, Tolerance, Respect, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in the PS 58 community.

This space is designed to provide families and students with resources for crucial conversations at home and to provide a safe and open learning space about social justice, tolerance, respect, inclusion, diversity, and equity.

PS58 S.T.R.I.D.E Teachers and Staff have come together to create this space. As the world continues to change, shift and learn, so do we! We are committed to keep updating this website to reflect the needs of our communities.

Indigenous People's Day

Explore The Website

Click on a button below to be redirected to a specific learning space.

The P.S. 58 DLP Team has also gathered resources and activities in French for DLP families and students. Click below to be redirected to our DLP Social Justice page.

L'équipe DLP à P.S. 58 a également rassemblé des ressources et des activités en français pour les familles et les élèves DLP. Cliquez ci-dessous pour être redirigé vers notre page DLP des ressources sur la Justice Sociales.

The P.S. 58 Specialty Team is excited to announce a new, collaborative project students are embarking on to come together as a school community and to celebrate Harry Belafonte, a Jamaican-American singer, songwriter, activist, and actor. Each specialty class will be contributing their artistic and creative work by singing, playing, dancing and making art to reflect his song “Turn the World Around.”

We will combine all of the students' work in the form of a video to be shared with the P.S. 58 Community.

Here is a sneak preview of "Turn the World Around".
Tune back in on March 1st for the official music video!

Upcoming Events:

School Renaming - For the past few years, we’re proud to acknowledge that our PS 58 community has been actively reflecting on our roles in the fight to make Brooklyn and America a more inclusive, anti-racist place. Part of this journey includes reflecting on the passive ways we allow racism to persist. The namesake of PS58K, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, owned more than a hundred slaves. Changing the name of our school is a crucial step forward for our community.

PS 58 and PS 32 Black Lives Matter Rally

Past Events:

PS 58 and PS 32 joined forces for a march and rallied for Black Lives Matter on Juneteenth, June 19, 2020!

This march took place on an important holiday for Black Americans, Juneteenth! It commemorates the day in 1865 when news was delivered to Galveston, Texas, that all previously enslaved people in Texas were free. To honor this day, we wanted to make sure that our non-Black community members know about and understood Juneteenth, and decentered themselves in the celebration of the day. To prepare, we encouraged families and staff to learn more about the holiday, and what it stands for. We found two videos that can be helpful in starting this education. Many classes also incorporated Juneteenth activities to engage all students in understanding the importance of this holiday and movement.

If you have any questions regarding the materials found here or wish for us to post any resources or events related to S.T.R.I.D.E's mission, please let us know! You can reach us at stride@ps58online.org