
Letting Go | 10 Min Meditation

A guided meditation by Tamara Levitt as she guides us through letting go

10 Min Meditation w/ Jessamyn Stanley

"Jessamyn Stanley lets us in on a secret we've all been wondering: finding ultimate peace and calm does not exist. Instead, focus on listening to your thoughts and allowing them to be there. Eventually, that chatter will clear and you'll find a calm and peaceful state." - Yoga Journal

5 Min Guided Meditation w/ John Davisi

"In just 5 minutes you can reset your day in a positive way." - Goodful

Self Soothing | 10 Min Meditation

Tamara Levitt guides us through self soothing through meditation

Grounding Meditation

A stunning meditation right out of episode 190 of the Therapy for Black Girls Podcast. Provided by Dr. Bradford. 

Gratitude Meditation

A wonderful gratitude meditation guided by Arianna Elizabeth