School Events

Young girl standing next to her art work displayed on a wall.

Congratulations to Annie Lao for her amazing artwork displayed at the Brooklyn Children's Museum.

Picture of a mixed media tree with colorful flowers.

Her work was one of 250 chosen as a winner for the 2022 Brooklyn Borough Arts Fair.

We are all so proud of her achievement.

The P.S. 236 Parent Association sponsored a petting zoo for our school. On May 17th and 18th, the zoo was visited by every class. All students had the opportunity to pet and feed the animals, as well as talk to their handlers to learn more about them. It was a fun and educational experiece for sure!

The facial profile of a brown mini horse with a yellow mane.

A miniature horse

A brown sheep and 2 brown and white spotted goats.

A sheep with goats

A brown goat staring straight ahead.

A goat

Five chickens in a coop.

Some hens and roosters

Two brown rabbits and 2 white ducks together in an open top cage.

Ducks and bunnies