
Monday 3/23

Generating More Ideas and Writing for Many Causes

Teaching Point: Today I want to teach you that opinion writers don't just write one thing and say, "Oh well, I hope this helps. But it is not my business!" No way! Instead, they keep writing more and more to tackle the problems they've seen. They write to different people, in different ways, and suggest different solutions. They keep at it.

Have your child think of a problem they see at school or at home, and write about it in different ways. They can make a song, a letter, a petition, a sign, or a list - spending at least 20 minutes in total writing.

Please see Resources tab from our home page for the paper choices.

Tuesday 3/24

Writers Reread and Fix Up Their Writing

Teaching Point: Today I want to teach you that writers don't wait around for someone else to tell them how to make their writing better- or in this case how to make their writing more persuasive, more convincing. Writers reread what they have written and think, 'How can I make this even better?' Then they change their writing, without anyone telling them what to do. Writers are the bosses of their own writing.