Neuromodulators & Fillers


(Muscle Relaxers)

These are an injectable neuromodulator produced from the Clostridium botulinum bacteria. Neuromodulators are strategically injected at very low levels to slow the acetylcholine neurotransmitter at the motor nerve terminals. This produces a delay, and therefore, a decrease in muscle movement (especially at the sites of wrinkle formation). Neuromodulator injections will help to prevent further wrinkle formation, or stop it when used as a preventative treatment. There are many brands of neurotoxins (neuromodulators). A Proper Eu provider can discuss what may be best for you.



The most common filler is hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body. These are used to address volume depletion and restore structural loss associated with aging. These are also used to improve imperfections, such as acne scaring and wrinkles.

As we age, we develop bony erosion and our facial structure drops (thanks to gravity). By injecting hyaluronic acid, it adds immediate structure and improves water absorption to the area enhancing the plumpness of tissues.

Fillers are often used to enhance areas of the face and neck of all age groups, including the lips. Consult with your Proper Eu provider to determine if fillers are an option for you.