Spanish 3

February 22, 2023

Information about the Interculturality Project:

Students will have three weeks to complete two tasks of their choosing from the list below:

___La entrevista (complete an interview with a native speaker of Spanish)

___La comida (eat a typical food from a Spanish-speaking country)

___El arte (recreate a famous piece of art by a Spanish-speaker)

___La conección (“two for the price of one” an assignment from another class)

___Una excursion familiar (go somewhere having to do with Spanish-speaking culture)

___El videojuego (play a video game with a Spanish-speaking connection)

___El cine y la tele (watch a movie or TV show in Spanish or with Spanish subtitles)

___La tecnología (change the language on your phone to Spanish for one week)

___Accelerated Reader (read an advanced book in English with a Spanish connection)

___La música (Find cognates in a song in Spanish)

___Las noticias (Find a news article with a Spanish connection)

___Cantar o tocar (Learn to sing or play a Spanish song on an instrument)

___ Bailar (Learn and perform a traditional dance from a Spanish-speaking country

The four tasks and the evidence that they were performed are due Wednesday, March 29, 2023.

Students, please check your Interculturality packet for information about the evidence required and any bonus points that you might be able to earn.

¡Buena Suerte!

Spanish 3 Syllabus 21-22