
Click the link above to access a Membership Form. Use the buttons below to pay via PayPal

To pay your dues via PayPal click the appropriate link below (Be sure to click the link above to complete the membership form)

Provider Dues ($35) Agency/Agency Staff Dues ($25) Parent /Advocate Dues ($10)

Association Goals

· Address the issues that impact the FCC profession and the ability to be successful in the business.

· Instill a sense of pride and professionalism within the FCC community.

· Educate the public about the critical need and inherent value of quality FCC and ensure the best possible care for all children in Iowa

· Provide a forum where information can be exchanged, programs can be instituted, and issues specific to FCC can be discussed and dealt with.

· Provide supportive, technical, and personal assistance to FCC providers and FCC parents.

Membership Benefits

· Free and discounted rates for professional development trainings offered by IFCCA

· Discounted rate to join NAFCC – the National Family Child Care Association

· Local, regional and statewide support network of IFCCA Members – FCC providers like you!

· Earn a point in Iowa’s Quality Rating System (QRS)

· Quarterly “Provider” Newsletter

· 10% discount for Family Child Care Magazine

· “Gee Whiz Education” early learning ideas and materials.

· “Provider Give Backs” – periodic give-backs to members for their continued active support.