Ground patterning

Recent research by Colin Baker, Daryl Garton and Ian Ross (Mercian Geologist volume 20, part 2 November 2021 pages 102-119) has uncovered extensive ground patterning of a tundral landscape in the East Midlands formed during previous ice ages including the Devensian. To view these locations download this KMZ file, Ground Patterning. Open in Google Earth Pro for desktop.

Cadeby patterning is an example from the last ice age, Marine Isotope Stage 2 (MIS), i.e. formed after 29 kya. Gotham Moor A illustrates the cryoturbation, the mixing of soils by the freezing and thawing of ground ice, associated with the polygonal patterning (Charsley et al 1990).

Wittering, Peterborough, Ordnance Survey Grid Reference 5066 3016. Network of large joint-guided rectangular gulls (partly polygonised).