
Webinars on dropout in adult education

DIDO fifth transnational meeting - October 2019 - The Netherlands

DIDO partners met in the Netherlands to evaluate the testing phase and discuss on how to implement the feedback of the testers in the tools.

DIDO fourth transnational meeting - 27 & 28/02/2019 - Denmark

After having ‘tool developed’ for 4 months, it was time for the DIDO partners to meet up again. This time in Odense (Denmark) with HF & VUC FYN as host.

Once the amazement of the beautiful school building had settled down, partners looked at the tools that have been developed to prevent dropout in adult education. Their quality was evaluated, actions to finalize the tools were thought of and deadlines were set.

We then prepared ourselves for the next phase (June – December 2019) during which the tools will be tested in the DIDO partner organisations.

And last but not least, the DIDO toolkit which will be presented to you in May 2020 was further concretized. The beta version will be ready by May 2019 so it can be used in the testing phase.

Conclusion: the DIDO partners are ready for testing!

DIDO transnational week - 22 - 26 October 2018 - Portugal

Each partner has set up a delegation of teachers and student counselors or other relevant stakeholders to participate in the DIDO transnational week. In total, 35 adult education practicioners coming from 6 different European countries participated!

The first day focused on presenting DIDO and its outcomes so far such as the research results and the local brainstorm sessions. The different partner organisations were presented to each other as this would allow the group to get a better understanding of who they would be working with the next couple of days. In the afternoon, the NEETS project was explained by project coordinator Cristina Dimas.

The second day was all about sharing good practices between the different partner organisations. In total 10 practices were presented going from how to involve external partners to prevent student dropout (the Netherlands) to Special Pedagogical Support and the mindset theory (Denmark) and exam counsellors in Finland.

During day 3 the foundation was created to develop the tools. After having done the local brainstorm sessions, we ended up with a long list of ideas to tackle dropout. So it was time for everyone to vote on their top 10 of ideas. After that, the votes were counted and a final list of ideas was developed.

The rest of the week transnational working groups (based on the previsously identified reasons for dropping-out) were set up and got to work by developing tools to tackle the dropout rate in adult education.

Curious about these tools? Be patient because working groups are still developing them as we speak. By the end of January 2019 we'll have them ready for testing!

Local brainstorm sessions - May/June 2018 - all partner countries

Partners organised local brainstorm activities with students, teachers and experts in the field of adult education. The aim of these sessions is to identify possible solutions to tackle the different reasons of dropout.

DIDO second transnational meeting - 18 & 19 April 2018 - Finland

The DIDO consortium came together in Finland to present their national research results and discuss how these results can be brought together into 6 main reasons for dropping out in adult education. The methodology for the local brainstorm sessions was tested and the first arrangements of the DIDO transnational week were made.

Clustering the reasons for dropout into 6 major themes: organisational issues; goals/perspectives; expectations; skills; class dynamics and personal reasons.

Picture of the project consortium in front of the school building of Axxell, the Finnish partner.

DIDO first transnational meeting - 28 & 29 November 2017- Belgium

The kick-off meeting of DIDO was organised by the coordinator CVO Antwerpen in Belgium. In November 2017 project partners came together to discuss the first steps and all project management related aspects of the 3-year project. Partners presented their organisations and the first results of the desk research. Partners discussed how to proceed with the qualitative part of the research.

Project partners during the kick-off meeting in Belgium.