Business Technology 11


Constant change in our social and economic environments imposes increasing demands on the individual. Most students will experience at least four or five career changes during their working years. They will require flexibility, positive attitudes, strong communication, problem solving, and decision-making skills and aptitudes for lifelong learning. Business education can provide tools they will need to manage their lives and careers. Employers are looking for graduates who can work independently and collaboratively. They need employees who can work effectively with technology and with people. Employees must know how to use technology comfortably and effectively; they must be able to adapt to rapid and continuous change. Students will benefit from knowledge of technology applications and skills.

Modules for this course include the following:

  • 10% Module 1_Touch Keyboarding
  • 20% Module 2_Document Processing
  • 20% Module 3_Spreadsheets
  • 15% Module 4_Desktop Publishing
  • 15% Module 5_Business Technology Fundamentals
  • 20% Final Report

Semester Mark Breakdown

100% Semester

Evaluation Criteria

You will be evaluated on, in class worksheets, case studies and skills tests. Individual assignments are not weighted the same. Individual grades will be published on Gradebook with final grade published at the end of each unit.