Bat Caves in Princeville?

By Grace Sorbel and Izzy Bird

Over the past few weeks, the 1st and 3rd grade students have been up to a lot of learning. We recently talked to some of the teachers at the grade school and they had a lot of stuff to talk about! First off, we talked to one of our first grade teachers, Mrs. Melick, and learned that first grade has been very busy learning all about bats and owls.

Mrs. Zadrzynski and Mrs. Dismang’s 1st graders have also been learning all about owls but more recently, the whole first grade just finished learning everything about bats! This includes learning about their habitat, what they can do, what they eat, and where they live! Once this unit was over, the teachers decorated their classrooms like bat caves and had some fun activities for the kids to do. Some of the activities included the students using flashlights to “explore” the “bat cave”, and find paper bats. They also made bat headbands that they got to decorate a face on! In first grade they do a lot of “thematic units” that help them to hit their science and social studies standards. After their study of bats was over, they did a unit on Veteran’s Day to prepare for the Veteran’s Day program on November 11th.

Jumping to third grade, we talked to Mrs. Pipkins. The third graders just finished researching the animal of their choice and giving a report on them. They are now beginning a new research project where they get to choose their own topic that interests them, do research, and write an essay about their chosen topic. In math, the third graders are also learning about different strategies they can use to solve multiplication problems.

The grade school has been doing a lot of learning these past couple of weeks and we aren’t even halfway done with the year! We are excited to see what they learn next!