8th Grade Recognition Celebrated at Princeville High School

 Princeville - On May 21st at 6 PM, 

Princeville High School hosted a heartfelt recognition ceremony, honoring the dedication and achievements of its 8th-grade students. The event served as a testament to the hard work and resilience displayed by these students throughout the school year. 

Among the highlights of the evening was the presentation of the Good Citizen Award to Kinsley Cowser. Kinsley was recognized for her outstanding contributions to both her community and her classmates, going above and beyond in demonstrating kindness and leadership. 

Additionally, Morgan Cafferty received the prestigious Principal's Award for her unwavering commitment to excellence throughout the academic year. Morgan's dedication to her studies, coupled with her exemplary work ethic, distinguished her as a role model for her peers. 

Another particularly special moment of the evening was the presentation of the American Legion Award to Braeden Brodie and Kinsey Cowser. Braeden and Kinsey were honored for embodying the values of character, courage, honor, leadership, and scholarship. Their remarkable achievements serve as a source of inspiration for their fellow students. 

The recognition ceremony provided an opportunity for the students to come together and reflect on their experiences in junior high, while also looking ahead to the challenges and opportunities that await them in high school. 

As the evening came to a close, the entire Princeville High School community congratulated all the outstanding students and wished them continued success as they embark on their journey into high school. Their dedication and perseverance serve as a shining example for all, reminding us all to strive for greatness in everything we do. It’s heartwarming to see the students coming together to celebrate their achievements and prepare for the exciting journey ahead in high school. Princeville CUSD wishes them all the best in their future endeavors!