LTC Concert

By Claire Wieland

Every year Lincoln Trail Conference holds a concert for the choirs in the surrounding areas. It is a day full of singing and rehearsing. This year, Princeville got the honor of hosting 8 other school choirs.

The day started around one in the afternoon as busses of kids were dropped off at Princeville High School. About half an hour after their arrival, practice began. Although at the beginning of the year the choirs chose their songs for this performance, difficulty arose in combining so many different voices into one cohesive song. These songs were then rehearsed for about two hours.

After the rehearsal, the nominated soloists from each school competed against one another. One girl and one boy were chosen for solo parts. The girl soloists then practiced a song by themselves while the boys had time to socialize and meet like-minded people. The participants then switched and the boys practiced their song for half an hour.

At about five in the evening, students were getting hungry and began to become fidgety. As dinner time approached, the students were then sent to different rooms which were sorted by the school that they attended. In order to keep the environment calm and not too crowded, half of the schools ate dinner while the others rested. Frosted, the local bakery located in Princeville provided dinner for the schools. At 5:30 the groups then switched and the other half got to eat their dinner. Finally, it was time for the concert.

The students reviewed their songs and were then told what order they would be in. Then, there was a “dress rehearsal” of sorts. At 6:00 in the evening, the concert was performed and everyone did amazing on their parts.

Robin Urbanc, a senior choir member, reflected on the event as “purely a learning experience. I was able to meet new people, and connect with those around me.”

This year's Lincoln Trail Conference was a huge success for the students who participated. Throughout the years, Princeville has been involved with this performance and will continue to do so for those to come.