The Shooting Princes: Boys Basketball Preview

by Brayden Conrad

The Princeville Princes basketball team opened up their season at the Brimfield Turkey Tournament on November 19th, finishing two and two in the tournament. The Princes will play some tough opponents throughout the season like Ridgewood, Brimfield, Anawan, and Wethersfield. However, Princeville plans to use their speed to their advantage against competitors.

Coach Jeff Kratzer is taking games one at a time.

“Our toughest opponent is going be our next game after another,” Kratzer said.

He is looking forward to sophomore guard Cole Daily’s season. Daily led the team in scoring and rebounds a season ago. The Princes are also leaning on a strong senior class, which includes forward Justin Janssen. Last season, Janssen averaged eight point and four rebounds per game.

“Practices were a little rough to start because people needed to get back in the loop of things, which is usual, but they’re going a lot better now,” said junior guard Cody Thole.

Janssen similarly stated, “Our past few practices have been productive. Everybody has been improving.”

The Princes have been working on creating fewer turnovers and making more rebounds as a team, while still working on the fundamentals.

Kratzer also added that the team is running the same man to man defense and their fast spread offense.

And the Princes have improved on “game situations,” said Kratzer. Princeville will look to carry on their strong run from the tournament to the regular season.