A Season to be Proud of for the Princeville Football Team

by Christian Reiner

The Princeville football team functioned as a family. Although their postseason run was shorter than hoped for, the Princeville Princes had a newsworthy season and a noteworthy postseason.

The Princes faced the Polo Marcos on October 26. Unlike most playoff games the Princes have had, they knew that they were going to be hosting this game. Senior quarterback Matthew Butterfield was certain that the home field advantage would produce ”an even better result for the game.”

Prior to the first Princeville playoff game, senior lineman Andrew Spurgeon was nervous yet faithful that the Princes would be able to win. Senior fullback Justin Janssen knew that with an opponent like Polo Marcos, “anyone could win and anyone could loose.” But the Princes had a game plan for the Marcos.

Once the whistle blew and the clock began to tick for the Princes vs. Marcos game, the Princes knew they’d be in for a fight. Princeville put all that they had learned in the past and “executed it how [they] were supposed to,” explained senior Adam Snedden.

The Princes displayed an outstanding performance, earning them a 35-7 win. Butterfield expressed his gratitude for the crowd presence. “Our community coming out to support us made a difference allowing us to play at our best,” he stated.

Senior running back Jack Arnett explained that he “was glad [the Princes] were able to put on a show in front of their homestand and stay undefeated through the first round of playoffs.”

In the second round of playoffs, the Princes traveled to Aurora Christian for a Saturday evening game on November 3. The team knew this opponent would be tougher than the Polos, but Spurgeon “still had faith that [the Princes] could win.” Janssen knew that, “Aurora Christian would be a tough competition.” This was mainly due to Aurora Christians passing game.

Nervousness crept up on the Princes before the game began. After kickoff, the Princes understood why they were nervous prior to the game. And just before halftime, Snedden was injured with a concussion, removing him from the remainder of the game. Princeville’s Athletic Director, Jeff Kratzer, knew that the Snedden injury caused “Princeville to have to scramble and move several players around.”

Ultimately, the Princes lost against Aurora Christian 41-0, yet they made Coach Jon Carruthers, “proud of how the players played all season long. [The team] fought and had a really good year.”