New Art Murals

By Ellie Ferretti and Kylie Delwiche

When walking the hallways of Princeville Jr/Sr High School, many students take a glance at the art murals painted on the hallway walls or in classrooms. This year, both Independent Art and Art III students have decided to take on many new large mural projects. For the past couple months, art students have been working hard by sketching, designing, and painting 3 new murals.

One mural located in the east hallway, by high school biology teacher Elizabeth Quinn’s classroom, is a large painting of a DNA tree forest. Another is located inside of her room, which will be a large DNA Tree with different organisms living near it, along with an addition of Quinn’s favorite animal: a sloth. These two murals were created in hopes of bringing life to the classroom.

The third art mural is located inside social studies teacher Shawn Doscotch’s classroom, and, once finished, will be individual paintings of three of the seven elements of culture. The three elements that are being created this year are values, art and literature, and language. These three elements were chosen by the students based off of their interests. The following four elements will be added in the future by different students.

These new projects have not only provided students with creative tasks but have also provided them with many collaboration skills.

“Working with my classmates has allowed me to express my ideas along with hear all of theirs,” said junior Katie Theobald who is working on one of the DNA tree forests.

The projected end date for the murals is by the end of the third quarter. The murals will be displayed for all students and faculty to see the finished project.

Art teacher, Mr. Johnson, hopes that these murals will provide the community with “an opportunity for creativity, and a look into the potential our students have.”