Teacher Spotlights - February

By: Elizabeth Sutherland

This month at PHS, 3 teachers have been featured on the PHS social media pages in a new campaign known as the “Teacher Spotlight!” This movement aims to bring more awareness about PJSHS and PGS teachers and staff to people who may not know them very well. The 3 teachers of the month were Mr. Jeff Kratzer, Mr. Jon Carruthers, and Mrs. Laura Walcott.

First up is Mr. Kratzer, who has been a teacher for 23 years, and has never taught anywhere other than PHS. He teaches Industrial Technology to 9th-12th grade students, and some activities done in his classroom are welding, construction, and more. He is also the head athletic director of all PHS sports. Mr. Kratzer attended Western Illinois University in Macomb to receive his degree. When asked what the most rewarding part of his job is, he responded, “Getting to be with young adults on a daily basis, which I believe is the key to staying young. Also, getting to see students grow throughout their high school years and then go on to be productive members of society while raising families of their own.” A fun fact about Mr. Kratzer is that he was once featured on a national television show about NASCAR racing with his son, Jud. He even has a picture from a newspaper clipping to prove it!

Mr. Carruthers has been a teacher for 22 years, with 17 of them spent at PHS. He attended Monmouth College in Monmouth, IL for his degree and also played football there! He currently teaches PE for grades 9-12, while also coaching football and track. According to Mr. Carruthers, the most rewarding part of his job is, “Watching students dedicate themselves in the weight room and seeing their growth from freshman year to senior year.” And one fun fact that you wouldn’t expect from him is that he loves to cook! Bon appetit! 

Last but not least is Mrs. Walcott, our very own foreign language teacher! She has spent 20 years teaching Spanish, and currently teaches Spanish I, II, III, and IV. Some activities done in her class include practicing speaking Spanish with your classmates and also occasionally reading books and watching films in Spanish! She obtained her degree from Illinois State University in Normal, IL. Mrs. Walcott says she loves, “watching students go on to bigger and better things and hearing from former students to hear about their success and happiness!” One fun fact about Mrs. Walcott is that she is the third generation in her family to teach for the Princeville school district. Her grandmother taught briefly at the one-room schoolhouse!

Thank you to all of our wonderful teachers at PHS! You do so much for our students, and it was very fun to read about your teaching experience and a little bit about your life. If you see any of these teachers in the hall, make sure to say hello!