Fall Sport Athletes Prep for 2019 Season

By Grace Bowermaster

As PHS students near the beginning of a new academic and athletic year, preparation for fall sports is in full gear. The summer months for athletes presents the perfect opportunity for growth and improvement.

The PHS volleyball team has been taking advantage of the time away from school. The freshman, JV, and varsity teams attend weekly weight room sessions and open gyms.

In addition, the girls participate in a summer volleyball league put on by Illinois Central College. This provides them with the opportunity to scrimmage against many different teams around the area each week.

Bracing the summer heat, the PHS cross country team has also been putting in work.

Practices are being held three times a week at Troutman Park for runners looking to get extra miles in before the start of the season.

Those who attend these practices complete runs at a distance and pace individual to them. It provides runners with an opportunity to maximize personal growth before the beginning of the season.

“You build endurance before the season starts so you’re a lot more prepared,” stated upcoming senior runner Nick Miller.

Major preparations are also underway for the PHS football team as they anticipate the upcoming season.

The team’s summer schedule is packed with weightlifting four times a week, along with Wednesday night padded practices.

In addition, Quarterbacks and Wide Receivers practice every Tuesday and Thursday.

Also this summer, the team attended football camp on July 22-25. The camp started at PHS on Monday night, then continued the rest of the week in Jacksonville.

The annual event provided the football team with the chance to practice both individually and against other teams.

PHS Cheerleaders have also begun practicing for the upcoming season.

Tryouts for the fall team were held earlier in the summer. The girls have since been practicing twice a week, along with spending some time in the weight room.

The hard work put in by the PHS fall sports team over the summer is indicative of a successful season ahead.